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Art Research Links

  • Culturescope
    The Canadian Cultural Observatory is a national information service that supports cultural development in Canada by: informing the cultural policy and research community; encouraging evidence-based policy and planning; and, stimulating community debate and improved knowledge exchange., is an award-winning, collaborative and bilingual on-line interactive hub of the Canadian Cultural Observatory, developed in partnership with the not-for-profit, private and public sectors.
  • Statistics Canada - Guide to Culture Statistics
    This guide has been developed by the Culture Statistics Program to facilitate access to culture information throughout Statistics Canada. The guide links the user to information on culture surveys, data and analysis at Statistics Canada.
  • Hill Strategies Research
    Statistical Insights on the Arts is a quantitative research series that aims to provide reliable, recent and insightful data on the state of the arts in Canada.

    The Arts Research Monitor, published 10 times a year, provides synopses of qualitative and quantitative arts research projects. provides easy search access to individual articles from current and past issues of the Arts Research Monitor.
  • Creative City Network
    The Creative City Network of Canada is an organization of people employed by municipalities across Canada working on arts, culture and heritage policy, planning, development and support.

    Making the Case for Culture is an original collection of web profiles and resources exploring the impacts and value of culture in communities and cities.
    The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies provides international resources and links relating to arts research.
  • Canadian Conference of the Arts
    The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) is a non-partisan, non-profit cultural advocacy organization providing a national forum for debate on cultural policy. The CCA publishes policy reports on a variety of topics.