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Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada


For Consumers

Credit, Loans and Debt: Credit reports and scores

Credit card Having a good credit history and credit score is important. Lenders usually review your credit history and score when deciding whether or not to grant you a loan or credit, and landlords may use your credit history to decide whether or not they will rent to you. If your credit history or score is poor, a lender may refuse to give you a loan or you may have to pay a higher interest rate.

Checking your credit report is also a good way to see whether you have been the victim of identity theft. By checking your credit report, you will be able to see if any unauthorized credit accounts have been opened in your name.

Use the resources below to get more information on what a credit history and credit score are, why it's important to check your credit report once a year, how to get a free copy of your credit report, how to understand the codes on your credit report and score, and how you can correct or improve your credit report and credit score.

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Last Modified: 2007-08-14
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