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BulletJournalistic Standards and Practices


The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation occupies a unique position of trust. Not only is it the most substantial and broadly-based broadcast journalism organization in Canada, it is funded, through Parliament, by the people of Canada. CBC therefore considers it a duty to provide consistent, high-quality information upon which all citizens may rely.

CBC is justifiably proud of its distinguished record for high achievement in journalism. It has established a reputation for rigorous and courageous journalistic programs, the excellence of which is recognized worldwide.

This handbook of Journalistic Standards and Practices ensures that this tradition continues. This second edition takes into account changes in the law and technology, as well as evolving practices and the new media environment.

The handbook outlines the policy framework within which CBC journalism seeks to meet the expectations and obligations it faces. While few journalists in the world today enjoy such a free working environment as do Canadians, CBC is and must remain properly accountable to the public it serves. The Corporation is proud to declare its journalistic values for all to see and understand.

These high standards, together with the integrity and good judgment of CBC staff, will help to ensure that the faith and trust which Canadians place in CBC journalistic programming continues to be fully justified.

Robert Rabinovitch
President and CEO


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