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BulletCBC/Radio-Canada Milestones

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  • The CBC English all-news channel, Newsworld, is launched on July 31.
  • The CRTC holds hearings to consider CBC's application for an all-news channel in French. This first proposal is rejected.
  • The French private channel Le Réseau des Sports goes on air September 1.


  • The CBC Broadcast Centre Development Project in Toronto gets Cabinet approval in April, and work starts in October.
  • The International French-language channel TV5 starts broadcasting in Canada in September.
  • Cabinet approves CBC licence to operate an English all-news channel.


  • The CRTC licences 10 new specialty channels: nine on basic cable at the option of cable distributors (CBC All-News Channel, Vision TV, YTV, MeteoMedia: Weather Now, TV5, Le Canal Famille, Musique Plus, Le Réseau des sports, MétéoMedia: Mété-Instant), and one pay TV service (The Family Channel).
  • The CRTC also authorizes distribution of The Sports Network and MuchMusic on basic cable.


  • Federal Task Force on Program Review (Nielsen) publishes recommendations on culture and communications.
  • Opening of 2nd private French TV channel (Quatre Saisons) in Montreal.
  • The Federal Task Force on Broadcasting Policy (Caplan/Sauvageau) publishes its recommendations.
  • A commemorative postage stamp is issued for CBC's 50th anniversary.


  • CBC stereo networks start 24-hour broadcasting and supplementary cable distribution.
  • CBC is host broadcaster for the 12-day papal visit.
  • First pay TV specialty channels open.
  • Federal-provincial committee publishes report on future of French-language TV in Canada.Anne of Green Gables
  • CBC and other broadcasters join TV5, a European French-language satellite service.


  • Government creates Broadcast Program Development Fund.
  • Opening of first pay TV (general channels).


  • The Report of the Applebaum-Hébert Committee is released.The Beachcombers
  • Opening of Cancom to provide remote communities with additional TV services by satellite.


  • CBC introduces closed captioning on Canadian TV programs.
  • CBC is asked to manage the installation of a telecommunications system (OASIS) in Parliamentary offices.
  • Government announces a three-year CBC trial of Canadian teletext system (Telidon).


  • B.C. Knowledge Network is established.


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