Public Affairs  
Element(s)  :  Air Force,Army,Navy
Position    :  Officer
Full-Time       Part-Time
Public Affairs (Officer)  
Overview Top

The public affairs function is a vital element of the operational success of Canadian Forces (CF) missions and everyday work. You will help “tell the CF story”, and help others tell it. You will be expected to provide sound advice during domestic and international operations.

What They Do Top

The public affairs function is a vital element of the operational success of Canadian Forces (CF) missions and everyday work. As a Public Affairs Officer, you will help “tell the CF story”, and help others tell it. You will be expected to provide sound advice at the tactical, operational and strategic levels of the Department of National Defence (DND) and the CF, and act as a key advisor to military commanders during domestic and international operations.

The public affairs approach to communications at DND is the most open and developed of all federal government departments because it empowers 100,000-plus potential spokespersons.

Public Affairs Officers are advisors on all aspects of external and internal communications. They are skilled in developing, executing and evaluating communications approaches designed to inform the domestic and international public of our roles, activities and work, both at home and abroad.

You must be an avid reader and curious about the world around you. You must also be very knowledgeable about current affairs, security issues, civics and public administration. As a Public Affairs Officer, you will analyze and evaluate attitudes in the national and international media; contribute to policy development; gather and provide information on the DND/CF internally and externally; and communicate with journalists, special interest groups and individuals to inform the public debate and discussion regarding Defence.

Qualification Requirements Top

You must meet Canadian Forces medical standards and successfully complete a selection process that includes interviews and a wide range of examinations.

To qualify for Direct Entry as a Public Affairs Officer, you must have a university degree. A bachelor’s or master’s degree in Public Relations, Communications or Journalism is preferred but not compulsory. Most degrees are acceptable, provided that you demonstrate a propensity for critical thought, and have well-honed written and oral communication skills. This highly demanding career requires astute individuals who are extremely motivated, can think and act independently and demonstrate initiative. Public Affairs Officers must be able to work under “little-margin-for-error” conditions that demand stamina, resourcefulness, ingenuity and determination. A love of learning is a must. Bilingualism and work experience in the field are definite assets.

The preferred source for recruitment of Public Affairs Officers is through occupational transfer from other military occupations in the Land, Sea and Air elements and component transfer from the Reserve Force. Otherwise, to qualify for direct entry as a Public Affairs Officer, you must have a university degree.

Training Top

Phase I: Initial Assessment and Basic Officer Training

Following your successful application, you will be enrolled in the Canadian Forces and undertake Initial Assessment and the Basic Officer Training Course at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. You will learn the principles of leadership, regulations and customs of the service, basic weapons handling, and first aid. You will also take part in a rigorous program of sports and fitness training. Basic Officer Training is given in English or French and successful completion is a prerequisite for further training. After Basic Officer Training, you may attend a second language training course lasting from two to seven months, depending on your second language proficiency.

Phase II: Public Affairs Training

The basic Public Affairs Officer course is the first of several training events you will undertake in the course of your career. This six-month course consists of four months of academic work followed by two months of training at a location in Canada or with a CF public affairs office in the U.S. This course is designed to develop the basic skills of the profession. You will learn how to:

  prepare information on CF and DND programs and activities

  prepare print, audio or electronic material for release to newspapers, wire services, television and radio stations on CF and DND activities

  develop effective relationships with the media

  coordinate news conferences and media interviews

  develop community relations programs

  provide public affairs support to CF operations and exercises

  coordinate visits and coverage by media representatives of military and departmental personnel, establishments, exercises, operations in sea, land and air environments, special events and disaster scenes such as crashes, accidents, fires and floods

Working Environment Top

Modern public communications is a complex, fast-moving and rapidly evolving field. As a Public Affairs Officer, you must be knowledgeable about technological and intuitive theories and tools, and understand the workings of all types of media. You can expect to work in a wide variety of environments such as major bases and various headquarters across Canada, the United States and abroad. You may also be selected to deploy anywhere in the world on short notice for extended periods during times of conflict, peace support operations or humanitarian missions.

Advanced and Specialty Training Top

As you progress in your career and gain experience, you will receive more advanced training on effectively planning and managing DND/CF public affairs assets to support the achievement of departmental goals and objectives, including courses in:

  Strategic Communications Management and Policy Development

  Contingency and Crisis Communications

  Stakeholder Relations

  New Media Management

  Information Management

  Advanced Designated Spokesperson Training

  International Operations

Related Civilian Occupations Top

Some of the related civilian occupations for the Public Affairs military occupation are as follows:

  Foreign Service Officer

  Director, Public Relations

  Editor, News and Special Events

  News Analyst, Broadcasting



  Publication Date: 2007-11-15 Top Important Notices