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ACCC International
ACCC International is a print publication, published twice per year, which provides current information on the international activities of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. Information on ordering is available on the Web site.
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) Web Site
This site provides an overview of the programs and services offered by ACCC, including its international programs.

Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE)
CBIE's Web site contains general information on a wide range of topics, including the organization's history and philosophy, programming, publications and other services. CBIE addresses education issues pertaining to all levels and types of education.
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
This site describes a wide range of CIEE international programs, including study abroad, work abroad (including teaching English in China) and international volunteer projects. In English only.
EduGlobe is a searchable database for educational travel, overseas volunteer opportunities, Gap Year programmes, internships, international conferences and student exchanges.

This site is under expansion so this database list is constantly changing.
Égide - Centre français pour l'accueil et les échanges internationaux
The site offers a wealth of information on French education and training opportunities for foreign students, professionals and researchers. Its aim is to help prospective visitors locate suitable courses, complete administrative formalities and organize their visit to France.
International Education Financial Aid (EFA)
EFA is a major Internet resource for financial aid information for students wishing to study in a foreign country. This site contains a comprehensive database of grants, scholarships, loan programs and other information to assist students in their pursuit of studying abroad. There are numerous scholarship opportunities for Canadians included in the database. Search the scholarship database just using country of origin - Canada. Information on loans for Canadians wishing to study in the United States (CANHELP) is also available.
International Opportunities - Queen's University
Part of Queen's University's International Centre's site, this specific section provides details on a variety of programs offering international experience to Canadians. Along with some specific information on the value of such programs, this site provides numerous links to specific programs of interest not only to Queen's students but to all Canadians seeking international opportunities. Program links are available under the following categories: Working Abroad, Teaching ESL Abroad, Volunteering Abroad, Studying Abroad, Interning Abroad, and Travelling Abroad, as well as Opportunities in Kingston.
International Scientific Exchanges
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research participates in six programs, each with a separate agreement, which are intended to foster collaboration between independent investigators in Canada and those in Argentina, Brazil, China, France and Italy.
OzTREKK Educational Services
OzTREKK educational services is 'Your Canadian Connection to Study in Australia'. OzTREKK is an information and application centre for students in Canada who wish to apply to or enquire about their options at the following universities:
- Bond University
- Curtin University
- James Cook University
- Macquarie University
- Monash University
- University of Melbourne
- University of Melbourne
- University of Queensland
Rotary International Group Study Exchange
Are you a young professional looking for a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity? This program, by Rotary International, provides travel grants for groups of young business and professional men and women to visit different countries for four to six weeks to experience life abroad, watch their professions as practised in another country and develop friendships and professional networks around the globe.
Si, Spain - Spanish Language
This Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Web site is a gateway to a large variety of resources on Spanish history, current affairs, the Spanish language, Spain's educational and other governmental systems, courses, study abroad opportunities, Spanish culture and heritage, fairs, conferences, services for foreigners and tourist information. Canada's Free Financial Aid Resource
Using a personalized search service, this Canadian Web site provides immediate access to a database of thousands of scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, grants and other financial awards offered by Canadian and foreign governments or institutions. It is of interest to students entering their first year of post-secondary education and to those who are already enrolled in a university or college program.
Study Abroad Programs at Canadian Universities
This Web site provides information on various types of opportunities to study abroad which are offered by Canadian universities or non-governmental organizations. Information includes country, organization, type of program, duration and contacts.
Study and Research in Germany - German Academic Exchange Service
The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) – German Academic Exchange Service – is an association of the higher education institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany. Its goal is to promote closer international relations among universities and other institutions of higher education, especially through the exchange of individual students and scholars. This is the Web site of DAAD's New York office. It contains a wealth of information on scholarships for study and research in Germany, on the German higher education system, and on living and studying in Germany. This site is in English only but has links to the main DAAD site which is in English, German or Spanish.
This on-line study abroad information resource lists thousands of study abroad and internship programs in more than 100 countries throughout the world. Included are hundreds of links to the home pages of study abroad programs, language programs and international schools and colleges, as well as a wealth of related information. It is intended for high school as well as college and university students. Although this is an American site, some Canadian entries are listed. In English only.
Summer Seminar Abroad for Ontario Teachers
ISE ONTARIO provides the best possible programs at the lowest possible cost. This program offers the Ontario education community a variety of programs in Europe, Quebec and Costa Rica. It will give teachers the chance to experience another culture, establish contacts with foreign administrators and other teachers, give them access to new teaching techniques and skills and improve their language proficiency.
United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada)
The United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) is a national charitable organization established in 1946. Our mandate is to engage the Canadian public in the work of the United Nations and the critical international issues which affect us all. We accomplish our goals through a dynamic staff team at the National Office and a network of volunteer-driven regional branches.

The United Nations Association in Canada strives for a better world through a variety of national projects focused on specific issues and audiences. We work closely with the educational communities in every province and territory to build their capacity to educate young people from a global perspective. We also work directly with youth, challenging them to develop the tools and skills necessary to confront some of the world's most complex problems.
What in the World Is Going On?
What in the World Is Going On? contains 200 listings, organized into sections on paid and volunteer work for all levels of experience and education, formal and experiential education programs, awards for study, and homestay opportunities for young people. Teenagers can make use of information on homestay/study programs in Europe and elsewhere.

Just as important to the prospective globetrotter is the introductory section, which helps in assessing one's personal suitability for international work or study. It gives valuable advice on locating the right program, networking for success, preparing for an adventure abroad, dealing with culture shock, and finally getting ready to return home.
WUSC Overseas Programs for Canadian Students
This Web site provides details on various programs for post-secondary students or graduates, including internships, international seminars and exchanges.

Date Last Modified: 2007/08/09