Avery's antics make hockey look bad

Play Video: Avery's antics make hockey look bad

The coach speaks out against the antics of Rangers agitator Sean Avery. Grapes also salutes one of the finest Hall of Fame classes ever and thinks Eric Lindros should be joining them when he becomes eligible.

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I never had any use for Lindros, but he could have been a winner if he had reported to the teams that selected him.
About Avery,Well I Guess he showed what he could do besides being an agitater. 1 goal and an assist. Tucker 000 and the boys from hogtown lost again

Posted November 25, 2007 10:26 PM



For me putting Lindros in the hall comes down to one defying moment, his refusal to play for the Nordiques. The privilege of being allowed to play in the NHL remains a dream for so many, that he should have been banned from ever stepping on the ice with the NHL. All he needed to do was play one year and look to be traded. His total lack of class sums up his contempt for the game. I would rather watch a less talented team take to the ice than put up with the crap that he brings to the game.

Posted November 22, 2007 10:46 PM



1) Don Cherry definatley knows hockey like no other-Thats why he is on HNIC
2) Don Cherry should not discuss politics, war or any other topic on CBC HNIC. He is not a Journalist. Just a man with romantic notions of the past. The world has changed.
3) It is obvious to me that HNIC is run like an "old boys club"
4) Any team wanting the services of a player like Sean Avery has no standards or class.
5) The leauge also shows it has no class or standards by allowing him to act any way he sees fit.
6) Having witnessed how the Maple leafs run their club since Wendle Clark was traded-Im surprised they havent given all their draft picks away to get Avery.
6) I watch about 5% of the hockey I used to in the 90's. This game is now on par with other pro sports-Its ONLY about the money-Compare Darcy Tucker before the contract and after. His lack of intensity is getting him pasted almost every shift.

Maybe Ill find something better to do on those cold winter nights-maybe read a book instead of wasting my time watching the business of the NHL.


Posted November 22, 2007 01:47 PM



Plain and simple...Lindros is a has been that possibly could have been..not hall of fame material..lets move on and talk about someone who deserves the recognition and not someone who was constantly begging for the attention

Posted November 21, 2007 05:25 PM



Though I don't care for Lindros. So many other players have been overlooked to get into the Hall of Fame..Hey Grapes how about an outcry for one of your former players in Rick "Nifty" Middleton????!!!

Posted November 20, 2007 08:15 AM

Fred Knight


Eric Lindros should not be allowed into the Hockey Hall of Fame, at least not when he is first eligible. His career fell far short of significant accomplishments. Although he did enjoy International success in his Junior years his overall hockey career was shortened by injury and his inability to let go of his mommy's skirt. Make no mistake; parental meddling ruined this boy-mans chance of knowing a truly successful career. From the time he refused to report to the Sault St Marie Greyhounds to his thumbing his nose at Les Nordiques, he was and remains a loser. Imagine what he could have accomplished if he had the internal fortitude of a Wayne Gretsky or a Joe Sakic. Everyone needs to stop blaming Bobby Clarke for this individuals performance and attitude because if he had one twentieth of the determination of the diabetic lad from Flin Flon he would be sporting two or three Cup rings. His star gazed parents should be ashamed of what they did to this guys career. Bt the way the Flyers biggest regret yet is that they chose to keep this guy over Rod BrindAmour who is still the leader of a successful Hurricanes team.

Posted November 19, 2007 03:24 PM



I agree with you 100%. We go to the HHF to teach our children that hard work, team dedication and positive spirts is how these men EARNED the privledge, yes privledge NOT right, to be chosen for the Hall of Fame. What did Lindros do to EARN that privledge? He was a great player, when he played, but he did not play in the spirit of team. All individual and selfishness.

Posted November 19, 2007 01:23 PM

wally goate


Eric Lindros in the Hall of Fame ?

The Big E should have been called
The Big D - D for disappointment !

What did he win ? What did he do ?

He does NOT deserve the Hall of Fame !!!

Posted November 19, 2007 10:30 AM



we still love ya grapes

Posted November 18, 2007 06:08 PM



I rarely disagree with most of Cherry's comments, however, Darcy Tucker used to be Sean Avery. The difference now is Avery actually is a benefit to his team while pretty boy Tucker got his big contract and is more concerned about his home being shown on tv than doing his job on the ice. "Side show Bob" Tucker is the only way he can be an asset to the Leafs instead of an ass.

Posted November 18, 2007 10:51 AM

Bernie Morin

As a public servant working for the Department of National Defence for twenty years, I have watch many of our soldiers and their families being uprooted from their communities usually on a four to five year cycle. They do this as it is part of the job, enduring the stress and hardship this may cause to their families and now we are sending them to the battlefield! What if these brave men and women took the stance that Eric Lindros did? What a shame it would be for Canada!!If Eric had sucked it up like our soldiers, he would have a Stanley Cup ring by now...maybe more! No man is greater than the game...he doesn't deserve the honour and recognition of being in the hall of fame!

Posted November 18, 2007 09:12 AM

Donna Wall

I agree that Eric Lindros deserves to be in the hockey hall of fame.

Posted November 17, 2007 10:01 PM

Bruce Clark

Home of the Kootenay Ice and Scott Niedamayer among others. Don PLEASE!!! do not stop talking about the stupid penalty calls. The WHL is wondering why crowd size is down in smaller markets. Bettman hockey is the reason!

Posted November 17, 2007 07:58 PM



To those people who have defended Avery and his actions, should have been at this bar in Muskoka this summer. Insulting ladies when they ignored his come-on's and calling on every one who looked his way after being told to leave the bar. This kid deserves a "DONNIE-BROOK!"

Posted November 17, 2007 06:21 PM



Re: Lindros Snubs the Soo

Any athlete or employee is free to chose whomever he or she wants to work for. If Eric wanted to work closer to a big city and to his family then that was his right. Players have short careers and need to manage them how they see fit.

Posted November 17, 2007 05:52 PM

DeVoe Dyette

I couldn't agree with you more Don; Eric has every right to be in the Hall of Fame like everyone else. Come on, Hammer Head (Messier) was given the green light. The only difference between him and Lindros, is that Mes has a harder head. My concern is why is my brother Gillie (Doug Gilmour)not grace the pages for Hall of Fame merit to date? On a different light Don, when is the Leafs going to replace their General Manager with Gillie? Also, does anyone have a clue when the lumbering Bertuzzi will grace the hockey world with his presence? What's the word on Forsberg; is he making a comeback or is he done?

You are the man Donnie; love the suits! The brothers use to have a name for those kind of suits back in the fity's and Sixty's. What were they call again? Never mind.

Do me proud!

Posted November 17, 2007 09:44 AM

Elisa Cuthbert's new Boyfriend...


Avery acts like a moron, the kind of guy in pubs that gets jumped because of his mouth. He is an embarassment to Canada, NHL, and Hockey Players in general.

Posted November 16, 2007 06:01 PM



This is why people hate Sean Avery. Avery has no class or respect for other players. Tucker had a good reason to get mad at him because this kind of stuff needs to stop in hockey. Avery should get kicked out of the league.

Posted November 15, 2007 05:39 PM


Increase the fines. Pretty soon these players will be broke and go back to playing hockey.

Posted November 15, 2007 02:32 PM

Claude Dubé


I agree with Don. The instigator rule should definitely be reviewed and changed to protect our players. And where are the refs during warm-up? Talking about their exploits from the night before. I guess the rule change will be that only one team at a time can go warm-up. I used to coach in Canada and the USA and hated it when I was powerless to pull players away from MOUTHS. And you alsways know the opposing coach put them up to it, you just had to look at their faces.
I also enjoyed and was moved by the rememberance tribute to our fallen soldiers. It is sad to see that most people celebrating Rememberance Day consider it more of a holiday than a day to remember our soldiers in battle. Agree with the reason or not, we must support them. They are representing our country and flag and I for one am proud of them.

Posted November 15, 2007 05:48 AM


Gheez! How ironic a Chezzy Cherry telling how an antagonist like Avery should behave. It's poposterous for a Coach like Cherry to come back with comments against a player, who he in previous life molded players to be exactly like what he characterizes Avery to be now.

Let's reflect back to his many derogatory comments about Europeans, who he classified as chickens. And how about his comments about the Russians being spitters and inferior to north American hockey players.

This should settle the argument that his abrasive on air commentary attributes to the conduct of new entry level professional hockey players. Since kids they've listened to his on air idiosyncracies, so he shouldn't be lamblasting a fellow Ontar-ion like Avery, as that is exactly where a player of this calibre learned from.

So Cherry-ion, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

End of comment

Posted November 14, 2007 01:10 PM


Avery brings nothing positive to the table either to the rangers or the nhl.So why are these people allowing him to give hockey a black eye?If its the ratings think again. People are offended by these allegations and someone needs to stand up and answer the bell.Will it be the NHL the rangers or the fans/ $$$$$

Posted November 13, 2007 04:56 PM

Mat Hills

This is what the league and society has come to, Sean Avery allegedly makes a comment to Jason Blake about his cancer, this is the lowest of low. The fans are just as bad, on the Nov 3 Toronto vs Montreal game my friend was present and told me after one of Blake's shifts a Montreal fan stood up and said, "you look tired Blake is it from all the chemo." The league found it justifiable to slap a 20 game suspension on Steve Downey for an over aggressive hit, while I watched highlights from a certain Hall of Fame defencemen named Scott Stevens make a career out of hits like this, I am against the Downey suspension by the way. Where have the days gone where the fans got dressed up for the game in dresses and three piece suits and players were classy heroes. If the league can find proof of Avery's comments the suspension should start at a minimum of 40 games, theses guys are role models for pete's sake

Posted November 13, 2007 03:28 PM

Heather - hockey mom

The problem with players like Avery is that someone will always keep paying them. There comes a point when the League needs to step in and say this is not what we want to be known for, not even by 1 player. That no matter what calliber of player you are, this will not be tolerated. This is Canada's game, we need to keep it clean, and be responsible, mature role models for our children. I certainly don't want my son (pee wee minor A) to be watching this kind of smack and thinks it's acceptable in hockey or in life.

Posted November 13, 2007 02:52 PM



Hey Don,

Have you ever thought about doing a spot on the 48 flyers. Their story is incredible.

Posted November 13, 2007 11:56 AM

Jennifer Anderson

Dear Mr. Cherry,
When I married into a hockey family 12 years ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Two people changed me from a disinterested bystander to an avid fan: you and Sean Avery.
Several years ago I watched my first few episodes of Coach's Corner and I was hooked! I always enjoy your comments and have looked forward to watching every week since.
During the same time period, my family and I went to see the Stanley Cup in Larry Robinson's sports shop in Manhattan Beach. Sean Avery was at the event. When we asked him for a picture with our son, then 3, Avery couldn't have been nicer. He held him up on his arm, talked with him, and introduced him around to the guys.
These two events have left an indelible connection in my mind between you and Sean Avery. Sorry coach. In spite of his faults, I still love the guy and fondly regard you both as my hockey heros.
Love from California,
Jennifer Anderson

Posted November 12, 2007 11:20 PM

Steve Naish


I love the way you see hockey Don, but more than that, I love the way you see Canada. Dedicating the precious tv time to not only the brave men and women overseas but also to the equally brave individuals who protect and serve us at home, with little or no recognition (unless something goes wrong) shows great class. As a peacetime soldier in the 70's I can only imagine how good for morale these segments are. I know they always made me feel better when we were derided in public for wearing our uniform.
"God keep our land, Glorious and FREE."
Thank You.

Posted November 12, 2007 10:27 PM


Thanks again Don for keeping the names alive. We will never forget. Heros all.

As for Avery. He will be forgotten.

Posted November 12, 2007 06:51 PM

Nicky DeGennaro

I love Don Cherry. I either tape or watch HNIC everyweek off the NHL center ice pacakge. Usually I agree with coach but lately I have a problem with Cherry's Leafitis. Avery does have a big mouth and it get's shut every once in a while but he's not dirty. Tucker on the other hand is one of the dirtiest players I've ever seen (see the hit on Peca). Tucker is no different than TooToo or Ruutu, two genleman that coach rails on about how they shouldn't be in the league. Cherry needs to take his head out of the sand when it comes to the Leafs and especially Darcy Tucker

Posted November 12, 2007 06:17 PM

donna kilburn


I disagre with both Don AND Ron. Tucker has pulling these stunts for years and HNIC CoachesCONCERS defends him , if Avery was playing in TO Don would him as A GOOD CANADIAN BOY . To bad Avery plays for the Rangers because he just out tuckered tucker, Poor little tuc tuc has to have HNIC protect him DK

Posted November 12, 2007 03:06 PM

Phil henly


Talk about hypocrisies! Cherry completely glorifies all the fighting and hitting in hockey rather than accentuating the skill. On Coaches Corner he blasted Avery and continued to contradict his own stance by stating how in the good old days his Bruins would have taken care of the guy.. Hockey Night in Canada no longer needs a clown show in the intermission - time to get rid of him.

Posted November 12, 2007 02:31 PM



With regards to Don's outrage about Avery picking a fight with Tucker: the most striking thing about this whole tirade to me was another example of Cherry's racism/xenophobia. Cherry kept complaining that "Avery was picking on [Toronto's] best player" - Tucker. Only in some bizarro world where Sweden and Kazakhstan and most of Europe don't exist would Tucker be the best player. Antropov and Sundin are clearly the best players on the team. Cherry's continued slight of these players makes his commentary less and less relevant except as an example of the problems in Canada. To ignore the non-Canadians on every team and discuss the league is like eating the peanuts out of your mixed nuts. I'm going back to flipping channels and refilling my beer during Coach's corner.

Posted November 12, 2007 12:29 PM


open letter to Mr. Zelkovich (Toronto Star)

Dear Mr. Zelkovich:

I am an avid hockey fan. I am also a pacifist. However, there is a time and a place for these things. And I think the point that was missed is that it doesn't just get the fans going (although we all knew it would happen), it gets the team even more fired up as well. We don't live in europe.

Now I don't think a brawl would be the best idea either, but I do love to watch a good fight every now and then (lest we forget Domi v. Probert). Everyone who was watching the game on saturday night knew this particular fight was coming. Why do you think the crews were paying so close attention? If YOU didn't want to see Tucker vs. Avery, why were YOU watching the game? These two guys are professionals for what they do (superpests). At least they weren't swinging a stick to someone's head like a baseball bat, or punching the back of someone's head and slamming them into the ice.

Don Cherry is on CBC to do "colour commentary." He's doing his job, and I enjoy watching him on there. If you don't like it, watch it on another network. You'll still see fights, but you won't see Don. I think he adds something great to the game with his unique commentary. The guy's a class act, and not afraid to say what he thinks.

We love you Don!


Posted November 12, 2007 09:44 AM

Mike Zammit

Return Hockey to it Glory...get rid of the Instigator. Seeing Avery's antics got my blood boiling! I wanted to get out there and club him.
Next time this happens, let the player get at him and come what may...

Go Leafs Go..

Mike in Australia !!

G'day Don !!!

Posted November 12, 2007 06:52 AM

Anne Louise O'Brien


This indeed has been a very sad month for our RCMP Family in the North. My husband is a member of the RCMP and we live on a street with mostly RCMP and military personnel. When Chris was killed so many of the members and their families were touched with your very kind words. I know that in our household of hockey players and fans we watch you every Saturday night. Again tonight you honoured the memory of Doug Scott and the members of the Armed Forces. You are a true patriot and you never let us down. Thank You.

Posted November 11, 2007 09:21 PM

Beverley Storm

I am Cpl. Albert Storm's sister; thank you so much for all you support!

Posted November 11, 2007 08:06 PM


I want it to be noted that, I am a huge supporter of you Mr. Cherry. But I have to comment on your opinion of Eric Lindros going to the Hall. Yes Eric was an exciting hockey player to watch, but exciting doesn't pave the way to the Hockey Hall of Fame. What kind of example would we be supporting to all the young hockey players all across Canada and the World if we supported a hockey player who dictated what was going to happen in his career right from junior. I Live in Sault Ste. Marie and we are a very proud hockey town. Our city has produced some of the very greatest players that the game has ever seen. And with our Soo Greyhounds we have also had the opportunity to watch some other great players. Including, Gretzky, Francis, P.Esposito, T.Esposito, Chico Maki and we can go on and on. My point is, the Greyhounds wanted Eric Lindros on our team. But Eric chose not to come here because of our city being a small city, not much exposure for him and who knows what else. But it was okay for Wayne to come here and it was okay for Ron Francis to grow up here along with the Esposito brothers. Right from the start Eric Lindros put himself in a category above everyone else in hockey. And then we saw him do it again in Quebec at the Draft. And then with him not wanting to play for Bob Clarke. Last time I checked this game we call hockey was a team game, thats one of the reasons why this is the greatest game in the world. So I know this is long, and probably longer than most people write, but I just want you to know you are one of the greatest hockey minds we have to follow in the media and for your opinion on this subject being in favour of Eric going to the hall, I find it disappointing. I understand you are much more educated with the hockey world than I am, but you can look at the four names that will join the rest of this elite group in the Hall of Fame this year and try to put Eric Lindros's name and picture next to one of them, and you can't even try.

Posted November 11, 2007 06:33 PM


First off, this segment is another wonderful exhibition of war propagandhi. Not all hockey fans are militarists, though it's embarassing how many are. It's too bad Cherry, as a reactionary bigot, has such influence.

Second, there's no way Lindros should be voted to the Hall of Fame. Part of being a great athlete, particularly in hockey, is endurance and durability. Simply, then, Lindros doesn't stack up, and his numbers show it. And beyond that, his refusal to play in Quebec was ridiculous and should be held against him.

Posted November 11, 2007 04:14 PM

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About Don

A mainstay of CBC’S HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA, Don Cherry first appeared on the program in 1980 in a segment called Coach’s Corner. In what has become an important tradition for Canadian hockey fans, Cherry has been appearing on Coach’s Corner alongside host Ron MacLean since 1987, staying true to form with his candid and often controversial - but always entertaining - comments.

About Ron

Ron MacLean, host of CBC’S HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA for more than 18 years, began his broadcasting career in 1978. After joining CBC in 1986, MacLean hosted the Toronto Maple Leafs' telecasts on CBC’S HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA, before becoming the full-time national host in 1987. MacLean has been recognized with eight Gemini Awards for his work with CBC, including Best Host in a Sports Program for CBC’S HOCKEY DAY IN CANADA in 2004 and 2006.

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