Canada - Keep Exploring


Strolling along the banks of the Assiniboine, you take comfort in the steady flow of the river. Families play and picnic on the spacious lawns between walkways. In the market, bakers, butchers, grocers and artisans are busy serving enthusiastic shoppers. Across the river, the ruins of the old French basilica stand out above the leafy trees, as glorious as ever.

Rounding the bend, a rhythmic pounding draws you to the Celebration Circle where Native singers in colourful dress chant the mysterious words of an ancestral song. The crowd thickens. A young dancer takes to the stage in a magnificent feathered headdress, dancing and spinning to the beat of the drum. You add your cheers to the crescendo of applause rising from the audience.

At the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, Winnipeg represents not only a meeting of rivers but also a meeting of cultures. At the centre of geography and history, this unique city captures the eclectic spirit of Canada's foundation, its present and its future.

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