Canada - Keep Exploring

Eastern Townships

Slivers of light sneak through cracks in the wooden planks of the old covered bridge. You tighten your grip on the handlebars of your bike as it rattles toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Out the other side, your picturesque autumn day resumes with a stunning view of rolling forests and farmlands, fiery foliage and bright green pastures.

Though you enjoy meandering through this idyllic panorama, you do have a mission in mind. Somewhere over the hills is an abbey where Benedictine monks make award-winning cheeses – and where, before the day is done, you hope to purchase extravagant amounts of the Roquefort that bewitched you at dinner the night before.

Tucked into the Appalachian foothills, the quiet hamlets east of Montreal known as the Eastern Townships make cozy getaways any time of year. The hearty smell of wood smoke hangs in the air. Haute cuisine seduces your taste buds in the casual setting of quaint country inns. Landscapes both rural and rugged provide ample opportunity for discovery and adventure.


Top things to do in the Eastern Townships

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