Canada - Keep Exploring

Northern Canada

Here, the sun is either your constant companion or long lost friend. The bite of cold has long since disappeared as you track across the snowy plain. The howl of a lonely coyote floats across the open tundra on a mellow gust of wind, adding melody to the rhythm of your breathing, to the ambient noise of sled scraping along hard-packed snow.

Native legends animate the living landscape. The trailblazing spirit of Klondike pioneers still inhabits Gold Rush towns like Whitehorse and Dawson City. Stony inukshuks dot the landscape marking the spot where others have tread, like ghosts of travelers with whom you cross paths in space, if not time.

Make no mistake, the Arctic lives and breathes under its still surface. When shimmering curtains of light flutter hypnotically in the night sky, you know you believe in magic.

Top things to do in Northern Canada
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