The Office of the Senate Ethics Officer was created in 2004 as a result of Bill C-4, An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Senate Ethics Officer and Ethics Commissioner) and other Acts in consequence.

I was appointed the Senate’s first Ethics Officer in February 2005 and assumed my responsibilities on April 1, 2005. Those responsibilities are anchored in the Conflict of Interest Code that the Senate approved on May 18, 2005.

Simply put, our work includes providing the best possible advice and recommendations to Senators on the high standards and obligations that they have set for themselves under the Conflict of Interest Code, preparing annual public disclosure statements, undertaking inquiries and investigations, and fostering effective communications and partnerships.

Through this work, the Office helps to ensure the integrity of the Senate as a fundamental and valuable component of Canada’s system of government. We also contribute to the government’s overall effort to increase Canadians’ confidence in their parliamentary and government institutions through greater transparency and accountability.

We hope you will find our site useful. We welcome your questions and comments so that we can serve you better.

Jean T. Fournier
Senate Ethics Officer