National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Between 11 am and 4 pm
For budding artists ages 3 and up accompanied by an adult. No registration required. Included with Gallery admission.

Sunday 28 October • Spooky Celebration!
Show off your costume and join us for a fun-filled day of frightful activities. Make a Halloween mobile to cast spooky shadows and a ghostly necklace guaranteed to give the shivers to even the toughest of vampires. Be sure to catch our Morbid Makeup workshops then have your cameras ready and strike a pose, as our mural will be transformed into a macabre backdrop for a costume fashion show.

Sunday 25 November • I Love Theatre!
A Family Funday to tickle your theatre bone! Step into the galleries and into an imaginary world. With the help of your guides, learn how
to develop characters based on paintings then use your acting skills to bring these characters to life. After visiting the galleries, catch the theatrical performance sure to give you the acting bug. Bring the world of make-believe home with you in our creation project where we’ll be making portable theatres.