Canada - Keep Exploring

Places to Go

Stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic and deep into the Arctic, Canada is a big country, with a lot of places to experience. Rugged mountain peaks and soft sandy beaches. Bustling cosmopolitan cities surrounded by quiet cozy villages. Historic sites brimming with authentic traditions and stories from the past. Galleries showcasing modern works and masters of Canadiana. Innovative attractions to delight the imagination. Diverse and endlessly engaging. Canada is made for exploring.

Canada's regions run the gamut of experiences; each possessing its own unique character, defining geography and cultural touch points.
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Provinces & Territories
Canada's federal union is a patchwork quilt of 13 distinct provinces & territories. And to be sure, each patch accounts for much more than a simple line on some map.
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Cities & Destinations
Destinations that capture the imagination. Some you'll recognize while others may come as a surprise. With so many intriguing options, choosing yours is just part of the journey.
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