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Federal Gas Tax Funding Agreement 2005 to 2010

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Welcome to
One of the main functions of the AMM is to lobby on issues that affect Manitoba Municipalities. Many of our issues are raised by our members through resolutions or correspondence, which we then bring to the attention of the Manitoba or Federal government.

What's New
For all events, visit the AMM Events Calendar

Opening Ceremonies of the AMM 8th Annual Convention - Leadership Builds Municipalities
November 27 - 30, 2006



December19, 2006
- AMM Meets with Premier Doer and Cabinet
The AMM's annual meeting with Premier Gary Doer and members of the Provincial Cabinet took place this morning.

Click here to view the news release
Click here to view the 2006 Cabinet Brief

Pictured: Premier Gary Doer and AMM President Ron Bell


December13, 2006 - New Council Seminars
New Council Seminars will be presented by the department of Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Advisory Services. ALL council members and municipal staff are welcome to attend.

Click here for a registration form
Click here for a tentative agenda
Visit our Events Calendar for dates and locations




December 6, 2006 - AMM 2006 Annual Report

The AMM's 2006 Annual Report was released last week and is now available online.

To view the 2006 Annual Report click here


November 30, 2006 - AMM acclaims Bell; VPs, board members elected

The AMM 8th Annual Convention wrapped up earlier today after a busy four-day event. During the Convention, the delegate body showed their faith in Birtle Mayor Ron Bell by acclaiming him President of the organization for a third one-year term.
Elections took place for the two AMM vice-presidents this week as well.

Read news release
Meet the AMM Board of Directors

Pictured: AMM President Ron Bell (centre) with Doug Dobrowolski, Rural Vice-President and Shirley Kalyniuk, Urban Vice-President.

November 16, 2006- A promising session for municipalities

The AMM attended today's Throne Speech and deemed the coming session promising for municipalities.

Read news release
AMM Members Advisory - Throne Speech Highlights

Pictured: Doug Dobrowolski, AMM Central District Director - Rural, gives his reaction to the Throne Speech.



November 7, 2006- Manitoba Municipal Efficiency Program (MMEP)

The MMEP was created to provide municipalities with a blueprint to reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs, and meet citizen demands for environmentally-friendly operations. Fourteen communities took part and have submitted their final reports.


November 3, 2006- The Municipal Leader

The current issue of the Municipal Leader features a special report on justice; a preview of the upcoming AMM 8th Annual Convention; a "fiscal imbalance" primer; a municipal profile of some long-time municipal officials...and that's just a start.


October 26, 2006 - The AMM presented its list of priorities to Provincial Finance Minister Greg Selinger this afternoon. The Minister was in Portage la Prairie as part of a series of province wide budget consultations.

View the AMM's budget paper here.

Pictured: The Honourable Greg Selinger, Minister of Finance, and AMM President Ron Bell.


October 25, 2006 - 2006 Municipal Election Results - The AMM has posted election results from municipalities across Manitoba.

Click here to visit our election page.


October 6, 2006 - The AMM presented its annual Budget Submission to the Federal Standing Committee on Finance today. The AMM’s submission was almost entirely devoted to issues involving municipal infrastructure and the municipal fiscal imbalance.

View the Budget Submission
View the News Release



September 15 , 2006 - A Guide to Hiring Your Chief Administrative Officer Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade, Municipal Finance and Advisory Services - June 2006

All municipalities, at one time or another, will be faced with the resignation or retirement of their Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Given the key role the CAO has in the municipality, the process of replacing an experienced CAO – someone who has become extremely knowledgeable about your municipality over the years – can be daunting.

A Guide to Hiring Your Chief Administrative Officer offers practical advice on the process for hiring a new CAO.

Please note that many of the documents on our web site require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view. For a free download, click here.