Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy (AHRDS)

If you're wondering where to find a job or how to upgrade your skills, the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy (AHRDS) may be your answer.

In Canada, 80 Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement (AHRDA) holders deliver labour market programming in over 400 locations.

Each AHRDA holder has programs best suited to the community it serves. To find out what's available, start by finding your AHRDA holder. If you are between the ages of 15 and 30, you may also wish to check out our information on Youth programs. Got kids? Many AHRDA holders also offer child care while you work or learn.

The AHRDS may be your most direct access to training, upgrading your skills, or finding a job. Other resources are also available.

If you are looking for work, the Aboriginal Employment page on the Aboriginal Canada Portal links potential employees with employers. Looking for your first job, or returning to the workforce? Find out the latest tips and tricks in Looking for a Job.

You may also check out the links on Service Canada's Services for Aboriginal Canadians.

To learn more about the AHRDS, click here.