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Specialized Equipment and Spare Parts

Specialized Equipment and Spare PartsCANDU Services assists stations by supplying custom designed and specially-developed equipment and tooling for CANDU plants. We design and develop such tooling and equipment to meet the rigorous operating and safety requirements of the nuclear industry. We offer:

Airlock Seals
Airlock SealsCANDU Services’ inflatable door seals provide containment integrity in CANDU nuclear power plants. Their reliability and performance significantly reduce maintenance costs and exposure. Our seals are competitively priced and longer lasting than other commercially available seals. They are the only seals available in the market that can meet the more stringent EQ and design requirements of the newer CANDU reactors. AECL’s inflatable door seals are supplied to exacting ISO 9001 requirements and set a new standard of performance as they are qualified to last up to ten years, prevent leakage during normal plant operation and withstand the higher pressures and temperatures during postulated accidents. Our superior airlock door seals are the result of AECL’s commitment to continuing research in new materials. They are manufactured to stringent quality assurance standards, and backed-up by comprehensive environmental qualification testing and field trials.

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ECC Strainers
ECC StrainersAECL is a world leader in the design, fabrication and supply of Emergency Core Cooling System strainers for nuclear power stations. Drawing on more than 50 years of experience in the nuclear industry, AECL developed the unique Finned Strainer as a solution for ECC strainer clogging. The strainer incorporates porous fins attached to a common header and can be sized and configured to fit a wide range of conditions. The Finned Strainer is now installed in plants on three continents. AECL has proven project management expertise to assist stations in addressing their strainer needs within tight schedules and budgets.

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Fuelling Machines
Fuelling MachinesCANDU Services has design and manufacturing capabilities for a full range of fuel handling equipment, including complete fuelling machines. In addition, we offer obsolescence solutions, re-engineering, specialty tooling, updated components or assemblies, and competitive pricing due to volume supply discounts. We maintain a select list of frequently used fuel handling spare parts in stock to provide faster turnaround to our CANDU utility customers.

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Fuel Handling Equipment
Fuel Handling EquipmentCANDU Services offers a wide range of fuel handling design expertise covering mechanical, process, and instrumentation and control disciplines. We work in partnership with our customers to address their fuel handling and process requirements. We provide:

  • equipment replacement
  • item equivalency evaluations (IEE)
  • equipment upgrades
  • environmental qualification of equipment and systems
  • on-site assistance
  • design and procurement packages for plant upgrades
  • spare parts procurement
  • F/H software assistance
  • stress analysis
  • training of station staff

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Spare and Replacement Parts Procurement
Spare and Replacement Parts ProcurementCANDU Services brings more than 50 years of experience to the supply of fully qualified replacement parts for CANDU reactors. Supply assurance is met through various options, including design, procurement engineering, procurement, manufacture, commercial-grade dedication, reverse engineering and environmental and acceptance tests to qualify a wide range of replacement parts.

CANDU Services provides a comprehensive replacement parts service to Canadian and overseas clients. We support maintenance activities through sourcing, design or manufacture of specialized spare parts.

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Obsolescence Assessments and Reverse Engineering
Obsolescence Assessments and Reverse EngineeringIn cases where the original equipment cannot be procured through traditional means or the OEM is no longer willing or able to supply the parts, CANDU Services offers added value by supplying fully qualified replacements for obsolete parts through reverse engineering, commercial grade dedication or testing. The value-added services we offer in this area include:
  • upgrading a commercial-class product to nuclear-class (commercial-grade dedication)
  • acceptance testing
  • TSSA/DOL registrations
  • reverse engineering
  • alternate design solutions
  • technical advances developed for CANDU reactors

We have supplied fully qualified replacements for obsolete technology and parts, including hermetically sealed connectors, clamps and seals, and motors.

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Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs)
PARsAECL’s Passive Autocatalytic Hydrogen Recombiner (PAR) is designed for mitigation of hydrogen in nuclear reactor buildings under accident conditions. The hydrogen is catalytically combined with oxygen to form water. Our PARs product is compact, easy to install and can be inspected in minutes, saving hours of valuable outage time.


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Pressurized Heat Transport System (PHTS) Pump Seals
Pressurized Heat Transport System (PHTS) Pump SealsBacked by over 30 years of experience and R & D knowledge, AECL’s fluid sealing technology experts continue to design, develop, test and manufacture custom seals for nuclear pumps and other applications. AECL offers customers reliable seals with a range of comprehensive seal services and long-term support. These services include seal refurbishment, laboratory testing, trouble-shooting, post-service examination, seal installation training and seal maintenance training.

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Spacer Location and Repositioning (SLAR)
SLARCANDU Services manufactures SLAR tooling and provides staff for on-site campaigns at older CANDU reactors that have loose-fit annulus spacers. Our Mark-3 Advanced Delivery Machine (ADM) based SLAR system can scan reactor pressure tubes, locate and reposition spacers, detect pressure tube to calandria tube contact, and identify pressure tube defects. Our SLAR equipment and expertise help extend the lifespan of reactor fuel channels in older CANDUs.

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Local Air Coolers
Local Air CoolersAs critical devices in reactor containment buildings, Local Air Coolers (LACs) serve dual functions. Under normal operating conditions, they maintain acceptable internal temperature levels and, in the event of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA), they augment the emergency cooling systems. Based on our extensive knowledge, expertise and experience, we can:

  • assess requirements
  • provide manufacturing designs and procedures
  • deliver safety and quality assurance
  • provide environmental qualification services
  • offer installation and commissioning test support

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CANDU Services

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