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Steam Generator Services

Steam Generator ServicesSteam generators are critical nuclear plant components and their high performance is essential for maximum thermal output and in order to successfully attain design life. Our experienced and well-trained staff provides support in the periodic service and rehabilitation of worn components; they also provide inspections, analysis and tool repairs. Our team can determine current status, diagnose problems, and predict the service life of steam generators and associated systems. We also offer rehabilitation technology designed in our engineering laboratories or by assembling integrated teams with steam generator suppliers.

AECL provides consulting, analysis, and testing services covering all corrosion, chemistry, and defect-related aspects of primary and secondary heat transport and water cooling systems in CANDU and pressurized water reactors (PWR) and in other industries.

Primary-Side CleaningPrimary-Side Cleaning
Working closely with our customers and qualified partners, CANDU Services has acquired extensive knowledge of all primary and secondary-side cleaning processes. We offer complete steam generator primary-side cleaning services to restore efficient heat transfer. CANDU Services:

  • recommends the most appropriate method of cleaning based on fouling analysis
  • provides both mechanical and chemical primary and secondary-side cleaning services
  • assesses and qualifies primary and secondary-side cleaning processes
  • delivers waste handling and disposal assessments
  • measures the effectiveness of tube support cleaning using down-comer flow technology
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CANDU Services

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