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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau


Under the Competition Act , mergers of all sizes and in all sectors of the economy are subject to review by the Commissioner of Competition and her staff at the Competition Bureau to determine whether they will likely result in a substantial lessening or prevention of competition.

In general, mergers are viewed positively as a means to increase competitiveness, allowing Canadians to benefit from lower prices, product choice and quality services.  However, the Bureau pays close attention to the small portion of mergers that could substantially prevent or lessen competition in particular markets.

In reviewing mergers, the Bureau considers many different elements, including the level of economic concentration in the relevant industry and the merging parties' market shares.  If the Commissioner of Competition determines that the merger is likely to affect competition, she may apply to the Competition Tribunal for an order to prevent, dissolve or alter the merger.  More information regarding the merger provisions of the Competition Act is contained in the Merger Enforcement Guidelines.

In addition, the Commissioner of Competition must be notified of all mergers that exceed certain size thresholds prior to completion. Failure to notify is a criminal offence.

All parties contemplating business mergers are strongly encouraged to contact the Competition Bureau at the earliest opportunity or before submitting a notification filing.

Recent News in Mergers

  • August 9, 2007 - Independent Report on Dynamic Efficiencies in Mergers Published
  • July 24, 2007 - Competition Bureau Will Not Contest Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. and Bowater Incorporated Merger
  • July 5, 2007 – Competition Bureau Completes Measures to Increase Competition in Grain Handling Industry
  • May 29, 2007 - Johnson & Johnson Inc. Completes Divestiture of Zincofax® Brand as Required by the Competition Bureau
  • May 1, 2007 - Competition Bureau Publishes Consent Agreement Template For Mergers

      News and Resources - Archives 

      Key Merger Resources

      All mergers are subject to the substantive merger provisions of section 92 of the Competition Act . However, only proposed merger transactions which meet the requirements of Part IX of the Act are subject to merger notification. The Merger Notification Unit is responsible for handling all merger notifications. 

      The Competition Bureau has established fees and service standards for certain services and regulatory processes under the Competition Act . These apply to Written Opinion requests, Advance ruling Certificate requests, Merger Notification Filings and photocopies.

      Other Merger Documents

      Technical Backgrounders

      Technical backgrounders allow the Bureau to provide more details to the public about its conclusions and the approach taken in particular cases that meet defined criteria.

      Technical backgrounders - Archives

      Additional Information

      Those wishing to obtain information concerning the application of the merger provisions of the Act, including those relating to notification of proposed transactions , may contact the Mergers Branch directly at the address below:

      Mergers Branch
      Competition Bureau
      50 Victoria Street , 19th Floor
      Gatineau , Quebec K1A 0C9

      Tel: (819) 953-7092
      Fax: (819) 953-6169

      Merger Notification Unit

      Daniel Campagna
      Chief, Merger Notification Unit
      (819) 953-4297

      Robert J. Morin
      Competition Law Officer
      Merger Notification Unit
      (819) 953-7092

       Note: The Bureau recommends that notification filings be hand-delivered.

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