Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Community Sector Organizations Call for Proposals, July 2007 – Closed

Projects to support the Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering & Participating (CSGVP) Analysis and Dissemination and Sharing Innovation in the Community Not-For-Profit Sector.

Human Resources and Social Development posted a Call for Proposals to deliver a total of nearly $3 million in funding to the community non-profit sector.

The funding will be awarded through a competitive process and includes two components. The first is to provide further analysis of the Canada Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP), and the available funding is $332,000. The second component is geared to fostering innovation in the community non-profit sector by funding projects that will enable the sector to share innovative practices, and the available funding is $2.6 million.

Please read the Information Guide before completing the Project Funding Application.