Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Education Savings Community Outreach - 2007 Call for Proposals

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Priority Areas
  4. Application Process
  5. Application Documents
  6. Contact Information
  7. Additional Information
  8. Service Standards

The opportunity to learn through full-time or part-time study, in a variety of settings, is vital for Canadian children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of an evolving workforce and a changing economy. In that regard, Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), Canada Education Savings Program (CESP), supports access to higher learning for all Canadians through education savings incentives.

The Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) and the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) are incentives offered by the CESP to individuals and families to plan and save early for their children’s post-secondary education (PSE). The Education Savings Community Outreach is a strategy to inform eligible individuals and families about the benefits available to them and support them in setting up a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) to access these benefits.

This nationally, regionally, or locally coordinated community-based approach raises families’ awareness of the advantages of saving early for their children’s PSE and informs people of available education savings incentives including the CESG and the CLB.

Priority Areas:
Projects must:

  • Promote the importance of learning and of saving early for PSE among modest and middle income Canadian families, specifically targeting:
    • Families with newborns or young children
    • Aboriginal people
    • Immigrants
    • People living in rural and remote areas

  • Develop and deliver outreach and awareness activities* related to the CESP and education savings incentives including the CESG and the CLB
  • Identify and reduce barriers preventing modest and middle income families from saving early for their children’s PSE through an RESP by developing appropriate learning and outreach strategies and activities

  • Offer continued support to facilitate and encourage ongoing savings for children’s PSE by creating networks and partnerships
  • Increase financial literacy and knowledge through activities such as providing information, training, and building personal confidence

* When developing and promoting activities and supports, CLB, CESG and RESP legislation and regulations must be respected.

Application Process:
Education Savings Community Outreach is a contribution program offering funding to various organizations or associations with a mandate in the area of socio-economic development and/or learning. Organizations interested in developing an outreach project can apply for funding through the 2007 Call for Proposals. The “Guidelines for Project Proposals ” provides information on funding levels, eligibility and the application process. Applications must be sent by mail or courier and post-marked no later than Wednesday, October 10th, 2007 to the following address:

Education Savings Community Outreach - Call for Proposals
c/o Martin Ravary
Skills Employment Branch, Financial Monitoring Unit
Human Resources and Social Development Canada
140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 6th Floor
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0J9

Application Documents:
The following application materials and guidelines have been developed for this initiative. Please ensure that you review these materials and guidelines in preparing your application for funding.

Contact Information:
Jane-Ann Hyppolite
Telephone: 1 819 994-1874

Additional questions with regard to the Call for Proposals or the CESP should be directed to Jane-Ann Hyppolite at the contact information provided above. Responses will be provided to the applicant within five business days and questions and answers of interest to all applicants will be posted on the Frequently Asked Questions web page. Please check frequently to remain current of all additional information.

Additional Information:
For more information on the CESP, please click here to go to the Canada Education Savings Program website.

Service Standards:
Service Standards for this Call for Proposals are being piloted in collaboration with the Grants and Contributions Centre of Excellence, HRSDC (see below for Service Standards). Please be aware that you may be contacted throughout the process to help assess the CESP’s performance in meeting the stated goals in service provision.


Canada Education Savings Program Call for Proposals - Service Standard Framework

HRSDC-Wide Measure

Program-Specific Metric


  1. HRSDC will acknowledge receipt of your proposal within ten business days of receiving the proposal, but no later than one week after the closing date of the Call for Proposals (CFP).
  2. HRSDC will conduct a formal review of all proposals within three weeks of the closing date of the Call for Proposal.
  3. If a proposal is not to be recommended, applicants will be informed within one week of the final evaluation meeting.


  1. HRSDC will respond to you in the official language of your choice.
  2. HRSDC will respond to all questions within five business days of receipt.
  3. Within five days, HRSDC will post responses to questions of general interest received from proponents concerning the CFP process in both official languages on the Frequently Asked Questions web page of the ESCO webpage.
  4. HRSDC will ensure that all CFP web content is made available in formats that are fully accessible.
  5. HRSDC will ensure that information is easy to locate on the site.


  1. All documents accurately describe the requirements and expectations of the Government of Canada
  2. All documents are complete, contain no errors, and are easy to understand.

Client Satisfaction


HRSDC will conduct surveys at different stages of the CFP process to evaluate client satisfaction. Areas to be surveyed include:

  1. Clarity/understanding of the CFP process
  2. Relevancy of required documents/questions
  3. Timelines, access, accuracy