



 Working to secure a low carbon future for Canadians

Concrete plays a vital role in building our communities. The Canadian cement industry is committed to continuous improvement and transparency and we are proud to be a proactive partner in developing innovative solutions to secure Canada’s low carbon, climate resilient future.





Making an important contribution to Canada’s economy

The cement and concrete industry’s combined contribution to the Canadian economy is estimated to be $76 billion annually in direct, indirect and induced impact and 158,000 direct and indirect jobs.






Proactively playing our role

Our industry is a vocal and active champion of carbon pricing and a robust, science-based regulatory response to reducing GHGs and improving the resilience of our communities.

Canada’s cement industry

Concrete is the foundation upon which modern, resilient societies are built. The six members of the Cement Association of Canada manufacture 100% of the cement produced in this country and provide a reliable, domestic supply of cement for the concrete required to build Canada’s communities and critical infrastructure. The CAC, its members and concrete sector partners are committed to innovation, leadership, transparency and collaboration to reduce our environmental footprint and provide solutions to society’s sustainability challenges.

Portland-Limestone Cement

Introduced in Canada in 2011, Portland-limestone cement, also known as Contempra, reduces CO2 emissions by 10%.

Concrete | Build for life

A resource that provides a high level overview of concrete’s contribution to sustainable, low carbon, climate resilient communities.

Rediscover Concrete

A portal demonstrating the cement and concrete industry’s commitment to building low carbon, climate resilient communities and sharing information about its viewpoint, innovations and benefits.

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