
Implications of Foreign Direct Investment for the Canadian Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry - Working Paper #2-95

This study analyzes Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the food sector and the behaviour of multinational food firms, with a focus on the Canadian food manufacturing industry . While the theoretical and empirical literature on multinational enterprises (MNEs) is vast and covers many industries and countries, few studies have paid particular attention to Canadian food manufacturing . The objectives of this study are to examine trends in FDI and gain a better understanding of forces guiding FDI and trade in Canada and worldwide. In addition, we assess the implications of FDI for the economic welfare of Canada and identify relevant policy issues for Canada's food manufacturing industry.

A number of public policy issues are raised in this paper as they relate to multinational food manufacturers and the Canadian food manufacturing industry. Primary areas of concern are policies that influence the attractiveness of Canada as a place to invest, especially in terms of agri-food sector policies that affect the ability of firms in Canada to be internationally cost competitive and the ability of trade policies to effectively improve access to foreign markets. In addition, foreign ownership has implications for R&D policy, export development programs and competition policy.

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Implications of Foreign Direct Investment for the Canadian Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry - Working Paper #2-95 (PDF version, 957 KB)  - Help on PDF

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