Report on Long Term Challenges and Opportunities for Future Competitiveness and Prosperity of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry - Chapter 2: Structure and Performance of the Canadian Food Processing Industry

This report is the second chapter of the final report prepared by the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Working Group (WG) on Economic Analysis at the request of FPT Assistant Deputy Ministers (ADMs), in a joint FPT effort to study the challenges and opportunities facing the agriculture and agri-food sector.

The report is a compilation of data and information that presents a snapshot of the Canadian Food Processing Industry in relation to the structure, performance, productivity growth, innovation, challenges and opportunities. It finalizes the analysis of the FPT WG by expanding and updating the information that was previously published in a Progress report on AAFC Online in February, 2006.

For more information on these publications, please e-mail:

Report on Long Term Challenges and Opportunities for Future Competitiveness and Prosperity of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry - Chapter 2: Structure and Performance of the Canadian Food Processing Industry (PDF version, 380 KB) - PDF Help