Greenhouse Gases

This study was commissioned by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to assess, qualitatively, the relevance and potential impact of an international tradable permit system, the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation in the likely event that the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector has to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study resulted in two reports:

  1. Possible Domestic Policies to Manage Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF version, 221 KB). - Help on PDF
    Publication: 2034/E • ISBN: 0-662-28734-7 • Catalogue: A22-204/2000E • Project: 99056wp

  2. The Relevance and Potential Impact of Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms for the Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector (PDF version, 325 KB). - Help on PDF
    Publication: 2033/E • ISBN: 0-662-28732-0 • Catalogue: A22-203/2000E • Project: 99057wp

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