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It's that time of year. Kids have settled back into the school routine. Everyone is looking forward to the holiday season. To make the most of it, make it your first priority to stay healthy and protect yourself and those around you against influenza.

What is influenza?

Influenza or the flu is a common infectious, respiratory disease that begins in your nose and throat. It is more serious than a simple cold. People with influenza generally have a fever, dry cough, fatigue and body aches. It is highly contagious and spreads rapidly from person to person. Influenza affects 10% to 25% of Canadians each year.

Get the flu shot. Not the flu!

How can you prevent influenza? Get vaccinated every year.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza. Each year there is a new vaccine to protect against new strains of the influenza virus. The best time to get your influenza vaccine is early, between October and December, before the number of influenza cases increases in Canada. Full protection against influenza takes about two weeks from the time you get the shot.

It is especially important that you get vaccinated if...

  • you are at high risk of influenza-related complications. This applies to people aged 65 and over, healthy children aged 6-23 months, pregnant women, people with certain chronic health conditions, and people who stay in nursing homes or other chronic care facilities.

  • you could potentially transmit influenza to those in high risk groups because you live or work with them (e.g. household contacts, day care workers), or because you provide essential community services.

The top 10 reasons for getting the flu shot:

10.  you have a chronic medical condition
  9.  you have a weakened immune system
  8.  you're a senior citizen
  7.  you're 6-23 months of age
  6.  you're a health care provider
  5.  you provide essential community services
  4.  you can't afford the time off work
  3.  you're travelling to another country
  2.  you live with someone who has a chronic medical condition

  1.  you care about your own health and the health of those around you!

Prepared by the Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness & Promotion.

Know how to avoid getting infected

The most common way to get infected is either directly through droplets, usually by a simple cough or a sneeze from someone close to you, or indirectly through contaminated surfaces like door knobs and telephones.

Illustration of a soap dispenser
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with water and soap after coughing, after using the bathroom, before eating, and before touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Alcohol-based hand gel is an effective alternative when soap and water are not available.

  • Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

  • Live healthy. Eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep and do regular physical activity.

What if you get influenza?

If you do get influenza, rest and drink plenty of fluids. If your symptoms do not improve, see your doctor. You may be suffering from an influenza complication.

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  Date published: October 15, 2007
  BulletArticle prepared by the Immunization and Respiratory Infections Division of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

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