Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

National Industry Profiles

National Industry Profiles

Industry profiles are a series of standardized economic analyses covering the various sectors of the Canadian economy, with human resources issues as the focal point.  A profile looks at the ways economic conditions and general trends in research and development and technology affect the labour force in a particular industry. Industry profiles are a good yardstick for measuring the economic status or evolution of a particular sector.  Because they are based on different complementary databases, they provide a very accurate analysis of the sector.

There are approximately 300 sectors based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).  All sectors are analysed on the basis of some 30 carefully selected economic performance indicators. These indicators are chosen on the basis of their ability to best characterize the various industries that make up the Canadian economy in a uniform manner, allowing for comparison of different sectors of the Canadian economy. 

The information in these profiles is divided into three main sections:

1.   Business Environment

  • contains updated industry indicators

2.   Human Resources Profile

  • contains updated employment and training indicators

3.   Additional Information

  • date of publication
  • technical information on manipulation of data and indicators (glossary), etc.
  • a complete bibliography (including the databases consulted and a reference to any sectoral study on which the profile is based).

    The Industry Profile analyses draw upon a number of sources for statistical data regarding economic and human resources issues. The following are the main sources used (please see “Related Links ” for links to more information on these sources):

  • Statistics Canada
    • Labour Force Survey
    • 1996 Census
    • Adult Education and Training Survey
    • Business Register
  • Human Resources DevelopmentCanada
    • HRDC administrative data (“Inflow” tables)HRDC’s “Inflow” tables illustrate worker movement.  They indicate the number of jobs in the industry, the number of jobs started and the number of jobs ended, all based on federal administrative records.  The Inflow tables measure jobs, not workers, but the relationship is always one-to-one (that is, a worker may have more than one job, but will have only one record).

      Inflow tables are compiled using the main files on records of employment, employment insurance records and T4 slips generated by employers.

  • Industry Canada
    • Strategis

National Industry Profiles