Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Support to the Voluntary Sector


  • The Social Development Partnerships Program provides grants and contributions funding to non-profit organizations concerned with advancing the social development and inclusion needs of persons with disabilities, children and their families, and other vulnerable or excluded populations. 

  • The federal government has announced the creation of a Task Force on Community Investments to examine federal policies and practices relating to the use of transfer payments and the funding of horizontal initiatives in support of community investments.


  • The Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award is presented annually to two Canadians, one man and one woman. This award recognizes the voluntary contributions of men and women from communities across Canada whose pioneering spirit, social commitment and persistent endeavours have contributed significantly to the advancement of a cause and the well-being of their fellow citizens.

  • National Volunteer Week World Wide Web Site is a dedicated week in April set aside to honour and recognize Canadians who volunteer.

Research and Statistics

Program Evaluation

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