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Home Healthy Eating FAQs

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  • How can I use the nutrition information on the food label of packaged foods to make healthy food choices?
  • What is a food serving size?
  • What special nutrient needs do I have while breastfeeding?
  • Can you give me ideas to help me plan healthy meals for my family and myself?
  • Can I become a vegetarian and still achieve a healthful way of eating?
  • How can I stick to my resolutions to lose weight and be more active?
  • What causes food cravings and how can I curb them?
  • Where can I find how many calories and nutrients are in the food I eat?
  • I think I have a food allergy: what should I do?
  • How do I know if I am eating well enough?
  • What is the difference between different kinds of salt? What should I use if I'm trying to lower my blood pressure?
  • How can I make brown bag lunches quickly that everyone will like?
  • What are some healthy snacks for adults?
  • How can I find out if my diet has enough calories, vitamins and minerals?
  • It seems I always have a lot of gas no matter what I eat. Is there anything I can do?
  • What are the health benefits of soy?
  • Is it possible to have a healthy meal when I am eating out? What are good choices on the menu?
  • I want to age well. What foods might be on my menu?
  • Why is water so important for my body? How do I know when I'm dehydrated?

  • Disease prevention and special conditions

  • What can I do to reduce my risk of osteoporosis?
  • I have diabetes; do I need to eliminate all sweet foods from my diet?
  • How do I count carbohydrates if I have diabetes?
  • I have just been told I have type 2 diabetes. What do I eat now?

  • Nutrition and healthy living

  • Are there special nutritional considerations for shift workers?
  • I work evening and night shifts. Can you give me ideas for healthy food choices?
  • What is the best way to get the most nutrition from vegetables and fruit?

  • Food safety

  • Are organic foods better for my health?
  • What is caffeine? Is it bad for my health?
  • With all I have heard about mad cow disease, is it still safe to eat meat?
  • What can I do when I suspect that food product eaten at a restaurant, food stand or bought from a grocery store has caused food poisoning?
  • What are genetically modified organisms? What foods contain genetically modified ingredients?
  • Are hormones given to Canadian dairy cows?
  • I am concerned about eating too much sugar; are artificial sweeteners safe?
  • Is it safe to eat farmed salmon?

  • Healthy eating on the run

  • I'm too busy to take a lunch break! Can you give me some ideas for fast and easy lunches?

  • Healthy weight

  • How can I find recipes that are nutritious and lower in fat?
  • What can I do to manage my weight?
  • How do I know how much weight I need to lose?
  • How can I achieve a healthy weight?

  • Proteins, carbs, fats…

  • What is the best way to cut fat from my diet?
  • What is 'good' and what is 'bad' cholesterol?
  • Is it true that omega-3 fatty acids will prevent heart disease? And what foods contain omega-3 fatty acids?
  • What is fibre and why is it good for me?
  • I am confused about fats. Can you give me some information?
  • Should I try a low carbohydrate diet to lose weight?
  • Will I be healthier if I cut back on carbohydrates?
  • I hear a lot about trans fats in the media. What are they and should I be concerned about them?

  • Sports nutrition

  • What should I eat before, during and after an endurance exercise?

  • Vitamins and Minerals

  • I am planning to become pregnant. Can you give me information about folic acid?
  • Why do I need vitamin C? Should I take a supplement?
  • Should I be taking a vitamin and mineral supplement?
  • What is iron and why is it important?
  • How much calcium do I need? Should I take calcium supplements and other bone health nutrients?

  • Children and teens

  • What are some fast and easy brown bag lunch ideas for my kids?
  • My teen seems to eat a lot of junk food: how can I get her to eat better?
  • My child has a peanut allergy. Can you give me some information about reducing the risk of contamination with peanuts?
  • My toddler is a picky eater: how can I make sure he eats enough of the right things?
  • Do specific foods cause hyperactivity in children?
  • What do I need to consider to make better lunches for my kids?
  • What are some healthy snacks for kids (that they like to eat)?
  • How do I make a 'cool' lunch that my child will eat?

    If you can't find the information you are looking for, Ask your question here.

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