Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Search Help

General Search Tips

When searching a very large site, the more specific your search terms, the more likely you will find what you are looking for. For most searches, the documents at the top of the search results are more likely to be of interest than the documents toward the bottom.

The search engine will find both upper and lower case instances of your search term. For example, the same set of results will be returned for any of the following: Start up, Start UP, start up.

The search engine will look for for variations of the search terms entered (e.g. export, exports, exporting). This can be turned off in the Advanced Search by selecting Word Variations OFF.

Searching with multiple terms, for example, sector statistics, will bring to the top of the result set those documents that contain both words together as a phrase. Documents that contain both words but separately, will be further down in the result set. Higher ranking is also given to those documents that contain search terms in the title or in the description

Consider using the Advanced Search Options to search for terms only in the title, to look for a specific phrase, or narrow the search to one or more of the many individual products listed.

Advanced Search Options


  • This Phrase will return pages that contain all of your search terms together, in the same order. (e.g. Sector statistics)
  • All words will return documents that contain all search terms, but not necessarily together, or in the same sequence. (e.g. "Statistics are a deliverable of the policy sector")
  • Any words will return documents that contain either sector OR statistics but not necessarily both

Search In:

  • All Text or Title Only options specify where your search terms occur. Title only is a good way to winnow down a large result list to a good starting set

Search Results Pages

Sort by date/relevance toggle re-sorts the result set according to most recent publication date or highest relevance

Hide Descriptions displays only the titles of all documents in the results. This can be useful when quickly scanning a large result set for relevance