Office of the Ombudsperson

The BDC Ombudsperson monitors the application of the Charter of Client Rights and coordinates the Independent Mediation Process.

When dealing with customers, the Bank is committed to providing superior service. BDC promises high-quality financial and consulting services, backed up by the TOTAL CARE Program.

In overseeing the application of the Charter of Client Rights, the Ombudsperson ensures that BDC fairly and equitably addresses your concerns. The Ombudsperson's work is customer driven and crosses all levels of management at BDC; he or she reports directly to the President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Ombudsperson can be contacted at:

Office of the Ombudsperson
Business Development Bank of Canada
BDC Building
5 Place Ville Marie, Suite 400
Montreal, Quebec  H3B 5E7
Toll-free phone: 1 800 232-1150
Toll-free fax: 1 877 283-7676
Contact the Ombudsperson by email