Introduction to Bonding

International customers often require contract bonds as financial assurance that a Canadian company will honour its contractual obligations.

Bonds can either be issued by banks in the form of standby irrevocable letters of credit (ILC) or letters of guarantee, or by surety companies in the form of contract surety bonds. Letters of guarantee are commonly used around the world, surety bonds more so in North America and increasingly in Latin America.

Obtaining a bond can be difficult, especially if your company lacks access to the required security or does not meet other underwriting criteria. Although EDC does not issue bonds directly, our bonding services simplify the process.

Canadian exporters purchasing and selling forward contracts can also be required to provide collateral to their financial institutions, tying up working capital. EDC can help exporters forego this requirement.

Contract Bonding Services

Foreign Credit Facility & Supplier Services

FX Margin Requirement Services

More information
Coverage for Contract Bonds (PDF Format)
Bonding FAQs