Foreign Exchange Facility Guarantee

EDC's Foreign Exchange Facility Guarantee (FXG) supports Canadian companies that purchase foreign exchange contracts to protect against currency fluctuations.  On foreign exchange contracts of up to three years in duration, EDC can help by providing an FXG to the financial institution which replaces the collateral required by a financial institution to be posted by the Canadian company. 

Business Benefits

When a Canadian company buys a foreign exchange contract, the financial institution might require collateral, usually between 10 and 30 per cent depending on the duration.

EDC guarantees the collateral amount, giving your financial institution the necessary security and freeing up working capital for your business.

Qualification Criteria
EDC reviews your company's managerial, technical and financial capabilities and assesses your relationship with your financial institution.

Pricing is based on several factors including exporter risks and forward contract-specific factors.

More information
Call 1-866-283-2957, weekdays between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.
Request more information

FXG Brochure (PDF Format)
Checklist for EDC's FXG Support (PDF Format)
FXG Application Form (PDF Format)

Important Information
The foregoing information describes, in general, the foreign exchange facility guarantee available at EDC and is not a commitment to provide such coverage. Only the FXG policy documentation provides the full extent, nature and specific characteristics of the coverage.