Performance Security Guarantee

EDC’s Performance Security Guarantee (PSG) covers 100 per cent of losses incurred by your bank when a foreign customer makes a draw or call on a bonding instrument (an irrevocable letter of credit or letter of guarantee).

For companies that frequently issue irrevocable letters of credit or letters of guarantee, EDC offers pre-committed PSG facilities, known as Account PSG (A-PSG).

Business Benefits

Qualification Criteria
More information

Contact Us
Request more information about PSG or call 1-866-283-2957 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. EST.

Once your signed PSG or A-PSG application is approved, EDC issues a letter of offer to the bank, specifying the coverage being guaranteed and the PSG fee. Upon receipt of the PSG fee and the bank's acceptance (which can paid to EDC by you or your bank), EDC issues an Effectiveness Notification to the bank, at which time the PSG is in effect.


Qualification Criteria
Before agreeing to provide cover, EDC assesses a number of factors, including:


Pricing is based on a number of variables, including: policy liability, policy duration, exporter risks and contract-specific risk factors.


More information
Call 1-866-283-2957, weekdays between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.
Request more information

Coverage for Contract Bonds (PDF Format)
Checklist for EDC Bonding Support (PDF Format)
Application and Indemnity for Contract Frustration Insurance and Bonding Products (PDF Format)
Account Performance Security Guarantee: Questionnaire on Corporate Capabilities (PDF Format)
Account Performance Security Guarantee: Application and Indemnity (PDF Format)


Important Information
The foregoing information describes, in general, performance security guarantee available at EDC and is not a commitment to provide such a guarantee. Only the policy document provides the full extent, nature and specific characteristics of the coverage.