
ExportWise is EDC’s quarterly magazine for Canadian exporters. It provides Canadian companies, foreign customers, financial institutions and other organizations active in international trade with timely information about emerging markets, industry trends, and economic and political assessments.

Check out the highlights below of our current and past issues.

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Fall 2007 – Examines how Canadian manufacturers are linking into global supply chains and how Panama is emerging as an international logistics hub.
Summer 2007 - Examines the construction boom in the Gulf region and the Caribbean and how Canadian companies can take a bite out of new markets fueled by South Korea’s changing tastes.
Spring 2007 – Unearths the challenges facing Canada's mining industry as a global player, the rise of India's auto sector and opportunities in Turkey's natural gas industry.
Winter 2007 - Examines the changing face of Canada's seafood industry, Mexican opportunities for auto parts manufacturers, and reinventing Vietnam.


Fall 2006 - A look at the promise of Canada's aerospace industry, export and investment opportunities in Brazil, and solving the challenge of raising expansion capital for small business.
Summer 2006 - Includes a feature article on understanding the nuances of China and a look at the future of Canada's environmental sector.
Spring 2006 - Includes a feature article on Canada's forestry sector, and an overview of Northern Mexico
Winter 2006 - Includes articles on Canada’s Telecom Sector and the Russian market


Fall 2005 - Includes articles on the apparel industry and market opportunities in The Andes
Summer 2005 - Includes a look at Canada’s construction services sector and a  feature on New Zealand’s tourism industry
Spring 2005 - Includes features on Canada’s animation industry and engineering prosperity in the United Arab Emirates
Winter 2005 - Includes an assessment of Canadian call centers (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and the dos and don'ts of doing business in India.