Export Trends and Tips

Supporting Canadian small businesses is a primary commitment of EDC. Export Trends and Tips is a monthly article produced expressly for those enterprises. It presents key insights and tips to exporting success.

Current issue

Three Tips for Trading with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the largest free market economy in the Middle East and a member of the World Trade Organization since December 2005.  Two years ago, the country jumped from 67th to 38th spot, out of 175 countries, in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business scale. This is the highest score among the Gulf States, ranking ease of starting a business, dealing with licenses and protecting investors, among other criteria. The country also has one of the highest per capita incomes in the region. More...

Past Issues

September 2007 - What’s the Top U.S. Region for Canadian Exports?
August 2007 - Four secrets to carving an export living
June 2007 - Mexicans do drink Canadian beer
May 2007 - Survey: Why and where do companies like yours export?
April 2007 - Getting into India at the Ground Level
March 2007 - Year-Round Exhibit Space for Exporters
February 2007 - Virtual Exporting Summit, Real Exporting Solutions
January 2007 - Expansion Capital for Small Business

Archived Issues