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Emergency Telecommunications - Projects

Canadian Telecommunications Cyber Protection (CTCP)

Industry Canada has a lead government role to foster enhanced telecommunications security and assurance. This work is part of Industry Canada's mandate and also supports Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) and their National Critical Infrastructure Assurance Program (NCIAP).

To complement our strengths in the emergency preparedness and physical protection areas, Industry Canada in collaboration with the telecom industry, will be addressing telecom assurance from cyber threats, vulnerabilities and terrorism. Cyber protection is globally recognized as a major concern of industries and governments alike, domestically and internationally.

Industry Canada and the telecommunication industry will investigate critical infrastructure protection (CIP) opportunities such as computer emergency response capabilities (CERTs), IS/IT security baselines/standards, the need for cyber vulnerability exercises, participation in North American and international network security associations.

See also:

Date Created : 2002-12-06
Date Modified : 2007-01-16

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