Canada Showcase

Industrial Professional Development Fund

Telefilm Canada Bursaries for the TVA-HEC Montréal Program

National Training Program in the Film and Video Sector


Spark Plug Program

The Versioning Assistance Program

Note: The 2006-2007 guidelines and forms will continue to apply until further notice.

The Versioning Assistance Fund was created by Telefilm Canada in 1986. Subsequently, in October 2000, the Minister of Canadian Heritage announced a new Canada Feature Film Fund (CFFF) that included a dedicated program to support the versioning of Canadian feature films for theatrical and television release.

The spirit and intent of the Versioning Assistance Program is to increase the availability of and therefore audiences for Canadian feature films financed through the CFFF intended for theatrical release in English, French and Aboriginal languages.




2006-2007 Guidelines

PDF (79 K)



2006-2007 Application form

DOC (219 K)

Standard Budget for Versioning

XLS (45 K)

Application Dates


There is no application deadline. Complete applications are assessed as they are received. However, applications seeking financing assistance within the current fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) must submit a complete application prior to December 15.

This Closing Date has been established to allow sufficient time to review, contract and provide cash-flow to productions prior to Telefilm’s fiscal year-end (March 31st). Applications received after the Closing Date will continue to be assessed for assistance in the next fiscal provided that the Fund is renewed.


ContactsSee offices contact information


Clements, Isaac

Picard, Isabelle

Porter, Jennifer
Western Region

Voogt, Patricia
Atlantic Region