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Success story - HR advice opens the door to tangible results

If your business is going through tumultuous times, seeking external advice can help your company get back on track. And that was certainly the case for Richards-Wilcox Custom Systems, a family-owned business in Mississauga, Ontario.

"It was an emotional year for us. We had to deal with the death of my father who started up the business. His passing-away naturally caused some instability in the company. We were facing a lot of change, particularly with human resources and management-related issues," says President, Kathryn Rhamey.

Richards-Wilcox Custom Systems designs, develops and manufactures a wide range of products including custom fit doors, cranes and hoists and steel fabricated platforms, mezzanines and staircases. The company has an impressive client list including the Smithsonian Institute, Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, and the Toronto International Airport.

The value of getting outside help 
Rhamey went to BDC Consulting to help the company deal with the aftermath of a trying year and to get some sound advice on HR and management issues. "Our consultant was highly knowledgeable. It was great to have somebody who could look at your strengths and weaknesses and provide a fresh perspective on how you do things. Sometimes it even helps that you reaffirm that you're doing it right. You want that reassurance with an external point of view," she says.

Rhamey adds that Richards-Wilcox Custom Systems had also reached a plateau with growth and needed to get its business moving forward again. As a first step, the consultants offered to do a thorough assessment of the firm. "They interviewed twelve people from the company ranging from myself to our shop employees," she says. "From there, the consultants proposed a monthly meeting on site where a committee would tackle some of our pressing issues on a systematic basis," she explains. The agenda included improving communications with employees, looking at recruitment needs, training and development, and providing management coaching. BDC Consulting offers its clients a full range of HR services, including self-evaluation, improving hiring practices, performance management, succession planning, communications and team building.

Recruitment and management training assistance
The company received assistance in the tough job of letting some employees go, which can be emotionally trying. "Once again, getting that objective point of view helps you keep your business needs in mind," she emphasizes.

The consultants also helped the company review its training needs with particular emphasis on management coaching. "When you want your company to change and grow, you need to help your employees develop their skills," says Rhamey. Management coaching is useful for companies that are experiencing a strain on internal management resources, seeking rapid growth, exploring new markets, or exporting. Many entrepreneurs use this service to set up a permanent advisory committee to provide on-going and objective advice.

Communications is a priority
On the communications front, the consultants were able to assist the team in improving company presentations to outsiders and staff. "When your company is undergoing change, you need to be able to communicate well and make sure that everybody is on board." During the peak period of instability, Rhamey says that the firm had to "deal with lots of rumours." "We learned that you need to keep your people well informed," she says. Today, strong communications rank as one of the top factors for business success.

Systematic meetings resolve issues
Rhamey and her team also appreciated how the meetings were structured on a monthly basis, which meant that the consultant's presence wasn't overpowering or invasive. "Some consultants have a tendency to move in for a while, which is difficult when you're trying to run a business." By meeting simply on a monthly basis over a year, the team has been able to put issues on the table and resolve them. "The other added benefit is having the option to increase our meeting time on an as-needed basis," she says. "If we recognize that we need more time, BDC Consulting has been very flexible."

Now that the company has begun to implement some of its new HR and management practices, Rhamey is confident that Richards-Wilcox Custom Systems is gearing up for a bright future. "This is a good exercise for our company and I'm pleased that we're taking the time to do it right," she concludes.

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