Canada - Keep Exploring

About the CTC

The government established the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) in 1995 to promote the growth and profitability of Canada. In 2001, the CTC became a Crown corporation of the federal government with a legislated mandate to:

  • sustain a vibrant and profitable Canadian tourism industry
  • market Canada as a desirable tourist destination
  • support a cooperative relationship between the private sector and the governments of Canada, the province and the territories with respect to Canadian tourism
  • provide information about Canadian tourism to the private sector and to the governments of Canada, the provinces and territories


To fulfill its Strategic Goal to grow export revenues and compel the world to explore Canada, the CTC works with the tourism industry to:

  • market Canada as a four season destination;
  • conduct research; and
  • foster the development of market-ready products that meet consumers’ needs.


The CTC produces a number of publications including tourism intelligence bulletins, market research reports, information on travel trends and motivations to assist small and medium sized businesses, and much more. In addition, the Commission publishes and distributes Tourism Daily News and Tourism Online, and Tourism Magazine every two months to stakeholders and other interested parties. 
