Vancouver Production Centre Home Contact
Production Post Production Design Support Services - Stock Shots
Toronto Halifax

Located in beautiful downtown Vancouver, CBC Vancouver offers the vibrant Vancouver production community an "everything under one roof" production centre.

CBC Vancouver offers studios, video and audio control rooms, video and audio post production facilities, graphics and Stock Shot Sales.

CBC Vancouver is currently receiving a facelift, which will update and rejuvenate our production centre.  This new vibrant urban environment, strategically located in Vancouver's performance district, will artfully integrate CBC's own Production Centre and community access spaces, such as the Plaza and Promenade, with independently owned and constructed residential and retail components.

Construction has begun and the Vancouver Redevelopment Project will be complete in the Fall of 2009. To see the construction through our NetCam, click here

Studios Control Rooms Dressing Rooms
Video Audio DVD Duplication and VHS Dubbing Program Delivery Standards