Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada



Photo: Government of New Brunswick

There are eight main species of marine and freshwater fish currently being raised commercially across Canada. Atlantic salmon is the main saltwater fish species farmed throughout Canada, and two Pacific salmon species – Coho and Chinook – are raised solely in British Columbia. British Columbia and New Brunswick produce the majority of farmed Atlantic salmon in Canada. Atlantic salmon are also farmed in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. In 2005, 98,441 tonnes of salmon (all species) were produced at a value of over CAD$543 million. Canada is the fourth largest producer of farmed salmon in the world, following Norway, Chile and the United Kingdom.

Rainbow trout and Brook trout are the most popular freshwater fish farmed in Canada; 4723 tonnes for a farm-gate value of $21 million in 2005. Freshwater farmed fish accounts for roughly three per cent of total aquaculture production in Canada. Freshwater fish are produced in every province and the Yukon Territory.





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Last Updated : 2007-11-14

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