Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada



Federal Role in Achieving Sustainable Aquaculture

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British Columbia’s coastline, good water quality and climate are well suited to support a diverse range of aquaculture activity. The province’s 741 aquaculture operations produce cultured finfish, shellfish and marine plants year-round. The majority of the sites (637) produce salt-water species using Crown Land tenures. There are also 104 freshwater operations located on private land. In 2006, a total of 32 species were actively cultured in the province: 13 finfish species, 15 shellfish species and four marine plant species.

In 2006, the BC aquaculture sector produced 88,100 tonnes of fish and shellfish and generated $428.9 million in farmgate value. BC is the world’s fourth largest producer of Atlantic salmon after Norway, Chile, and the United Kingdom – 71,000 tonnes at a farmgate value of CAD$370 million in 2006.

Atlantic salmon, as well as Chinook and Coho salmon (Pacific salmon species), are the predominant saltwater fish species farmed in BC. Rainbow trout is the major freshwater fish and the main shellfish species include oysters, manila clams and scallops. Other species currently being raised in limited or experimental quantities include sablefish or black cod, sturgeon, mussels, abalone and geoduck clams. The first Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) licence was issued in 2006. The IMTA system is the culture of a balanced combination of shellfish and other invertebrates, finfish and marine plants that can lead to "greener" aquaculture practices on a smaller commercial scale.

B.C.'s aquaculture industry operates under extensive regulations that are jointly managed by the federal and provincial governments. These regulations are considered some of the strictest in the world and are designed to protect the marine environment and natural ecosystems for all species. Working in conjunction with the province of BC, DFO continually reviews and improves our joint management of the industry, refining standards and incorporating the best available science advice in regulatory processes.

B.C.’s salmon farming industry employs approximately 3,000 people in full time, year round jobs either directly (on farms) or indirectly (in processing). More than 92 per cent of the direct jobs are located in coastal communities outside of greater Victoria and Vancouver.






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Last Updated : 2007-11-14

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