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Canadian Forces Media Embedding Program

Currently, Operation ATHENA is the only Canadian Forces (CF) mission that accommodates embedded journalists. Operation ATHENA is Canada’s contribution to the UN sanctioned NATO led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan.

The Canadian Media Embedding program has been extremely successful in allowing Canadians to stay informed about Canadian Forces operations in Southern Afghanistan. The program itself is not new; it has existed in one form or another for many years. Of note though is the unprecedented level of media interest in covering the whole of government approach to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

Since January of 2006, more than 250 journalists from more than 50 different media outlets have embedded with the CF in Afghanistan. Due to the intense media interest in Canada’s mission in Afghanistan and the limited space available, the CF has prioritized embedding vacancies as follows:

  • Priority 1 – National Media to include one reporter, or in the case of television, one two-person team from each of the major networks with consideration to reportage in both official languages;
  • Priority 2 - Regional Canadian Media and International Media;
  • Priority 3 – Non-Canadian national media/Freelance Media. Freelance journalists, photographers and documentary filmmakers will not be considered unless they are under contract to a media outlet that will publish/broadcast their material.

 The Process

  • Journalists interested in embedding with the Canadian Forces must apply by phone through the media liaison office (613-996-2353 or 2354), which will then forward the request to CEFCOM Public Affairs for consideration.
  • Once embedding has been confirmed by CEFCOM PA, journalists are responsible for the following:
  • Completing the media-embedding program forms and waivers and fax them to CEFCOM PA.
  • Arranging their own travel to and from Kandahar Airfield at their own expense.
  • Providing their own level IV body armour and Kevlar helmet.
  • Receiving vaccinations prior to departure.
  • Being declared medically and physically fit to embed with CF operations in Afghanistan by a medical doctor.
  • Meeting all visa, passport and other administrative requirements.

More details are contained in the media-embedding program instructions, available for download in pdf format.