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Preparing for the job interview

During the job interview, your objective is to demonstrate that you are the best person for the job. Preparation can go a long way towards creating this impression.


Companies want interested and motivated employees. By researching the company and the position requirements before the interview, you'll be able to provide examples of how your knowledge and experience meets their needs. Access corporate literature, annual reports, and websites, and talk to other employees.

Useful background information includes:
  • Products and services;
  • Company history and philosophy;
  • Company news such as financial and stock information, recent press releases, etc.;
  • Size, offices, and locations;
  • Customers;
  • Competitors.
Prepare a list of questions you think the interviewer is likely to ask such as:
  • Give me an example of how you resolved a conflict or disagreement with a supervisor or co-worker in a previous job.
  • What was your greatest accomplishment in your previous job?
  • What was the most important thing you learned in your last job?
  • What qualities do you find important in a supervisor? In a co-worker?
  • How will you determine your success in this position? How will you achieve success?
Be specific. Give concrete examples. Keep your answers direct and simple. Practice until you can answer confidently without sounding overly rehearsed.

It is also a good idea to prepare questions to ask the interviewer – chances are they will be expecting this. Gear your questions to the position at hand and your future development with the organization. Ask about:
  • Training programs;
  • Organizational and reporting structure;
  • Career paths;
  • Working environment and culture.
Interview Materials
Always bring several clean copies of your resume (printed on good quality white paper), a list of references, and if the position requires it, any relevant work samples.

It is a good idea to carry a pen and paper for recording reminders after the interview. Jot down any information that might be useful for follow-up discussions or subsequent interviews.

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