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Demystify your banker

A guide for entrepreneurs seeking a loan from their bank: what your loan proposal should contain, what your banker looks for, common bank terms, and tips to increase your chances of success.

Outline of the contents:
  • Introduction - what bankers look for: an overview of the 4 elements that a banker evaluates when studying your proposal.
  • Understanding your banker: a brief explanation of the banker's role and how understanding the psychology of your banker can help you prepare a better proposal.
  • Preparing your proposal: what you should include in your proposal.
  • Bankerese - a glossary: a glossary of the terms your banker is likely to use (covering topics such as sources of financing, types of loans and collateral, and what's included in financial statements) together with some common ratios your banker will look at.
  • Meeting your banker: tips on how to be better prepared when meeting your banker.
Consult the guide "Demystify your banker" in PDF format
(you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this file).

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