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Publication archive

Publication archive: International Development Research Centre

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  • IDRC Reports
    Features, news, and commentaries about research and international development.
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    Explore cross-cutting international development issues. Each focuses on a development issue on which IDRC-supported researchers have focused. Solutions and challenges are presented.
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  • Ten Years after Rio
    Our efforts during the 10 years since the first World Summit on Sustainable Development.
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    Find out about IDRC-supported appropriate technologies for development. (Last updated in 2000)


Atlantic Canada Tour -- Wired for a World in Transition: How ICTs Are Changing the Development Equation 2005-09
Richard Fuchs, IDRC’s Director of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) program, toured Atlantic Canada 11-14 October 2005 prior to the second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). He spoke on the role of ICTs in shaping more prosperous and open societies.

Bridging Research and Policy in International Development 2005-09
This special issue of the Journal of International Development presents papers and conclusions from the 2004 Development Studies Association conference on Bridging Research and Policy in International Development.  Included is the paper « What Determines the Influence That Research Has on Policy-Making» by IDRC President, Maureen O’Neil.

En Route to the G8 Summit, July 6-8, 2005 2005-07-06
65793The G8 world leaders are meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland July 6-8, to tackle two priorities: the challenges facing Africa and climate change.

IDRC has been investing in progress in Africa for more than 30 years. IDRC works with African partners to find innovative approaches to reducing poverty, improving health, resolving conflicts, addressing trade issues, and conserving natural resources.

BACKGROUNDER: Since 1976, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has contributed more than CA$15 million to close to 50 projects to combat malaria, one of the leading causes of illness and death in the developing world. These funds have helped researchers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America find solutions to pressing local problems.


Annual Reports 1970-73, and 1995-2003 2006

Canada's IDRC: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2005-09
A few examples of how IDRC’s broad avenues of research support the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) both directly and indirectly.

IDRC and the World Trade Organization Ministerial 2005
The Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference is being held in Hong Kong, China, 13–18 December 2005

Anti-Retroviral Therapy: A Powerful Tool for Coping with HIV/AIDS 2005
In response to the AIDS epidemic, South Africa's government now provides anti-retroviral therapy, which can dramatically reduce mortality, and prolong and improve the lives of HIV patients. Three articles examine the impact on South Africa's health system.

IDRC Annual Report 2002-2003 2003-10-16
Learning for the Future

Project Idris

Old Projects


Bill Carman

Added: 2004-10-15 12:46
Modified: 2007-10-23 15:15
Refreshed:2007-11-15 06:14

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