Comm. Electronics Eng. (Air)  
Element(s)  :  Air Force
Position    :  Officer
Full-Time       Part-Time
Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) (Officer)  
Overview Top

You will work with numerous high tech electronic systems that support Departmental command and control environments such as the computer networks and communications systems that support surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence, as well as those that support data, information, and knowledge management or air traffic control and management.

What They Do Top

Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) (CELE (AIR)) Officers perform a wide range of tasks critical to the command, control and electronic security of the Canadian Forces in general, and the Air Force in particular. This includes the provision of telecommunications and information management services supporting our operations in Canada and abroad. Other areas of responsibility include formulating policy; project management; the planning and acquisition of ground based surveillance, communications and information technology systems, as well as the operation and maintenance of the majority of tactical Air Force and strategic communications, air traffic management and electronics systems employed by the Canadian Forces (excluding systems in aircraft and ships).

CELE (AIR) Officers work with numerous high tech electronic systems that support Departmental command and control environments such as the computer networks and communications systems that support surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence, as well as those that support data, information, and knowledge management or air traffic control and management. They may also be involved with the full spectrum of terrestrial radio and satellite communications from HF to EHF radar and navigation systems, electronic warfare, cryptography, electronic intelligence, or communications and network security. CELE (AIR) Officers lead a dynamic group of highly skilled professionals who work to support a high tech environment.

This skilled workforce needs leaders who can develop and guide them in the accomplishment of their mission: providing seamless, robust and secure communications and information system services in support of Canadian Forces operations.

The CELE (AIR) Officer must have in-depth knowledge of air operations concepts and doctrine in order to provide advice to commanders on the optimal utilization of communications and electronics assets in order to support the mission and actively participate in their operational use and management.

Qualification Requirements Top

You must meet Canadian Forces medical standards, and successfully complete a selection process that includes interviews and a wide range of examinations.

Regular Officer Training Plan - The Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) comprises a fully subsidised undergraduate education (to the Bachelor’s degree level) at the Royal Military College of Canada or another accredited Canadian university, followed by a period of obligatory service in the Regular component of the Canadian Forces. To qualify for ROTP, you must have completed high school with the appropriate university-oriented credits, be in Grade 12 in an appropriate program with full expectation of successful completion, or be currently enrolled in an accredited Canadian university.

Direct Entry Officer - Direct Entry applicants must hold the degree of Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Science from an accredited Canadian university. The preferred degree is the Bachelor of Engineering in one of the following disciplines: Electrical/Electronics, Computer or Physics. Consideration will also be given to those holding the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Systems Management, Mechanical Engineering or Nuclear Engineering, or a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Applied Science, Mathematics, Physics or Space Science. A recruiting allowance may be provided to eligible applicants to this military occupation. Contact your local recruiter for details.

Training Top

Basic Officer Training. Following your successful application, you will be enrolled in the Canadian Forces and undertake Initial Assessment and the Basic Officer Training Course at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. You will learn the principles of leadership, the regulations and customs of the service, basic weapons handling, and first aid. You will also take part in a rigorous program of sports and fitness training. Basic Officer Training is given in English or French and successful completion is a prerequisite for further training. After Basic Officer Training, you may attend a second language training course lasting from two to seven months, depending on your second language proficiency.

Basic Occupational Training.

Basic CELE (AIR) Occupational Course – Module 1. This course lasts approximately 8 weeks and consists of formal training conducted at the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics (CFSCE) in Kingston, Ontario. It is normally offered once a year, during the summer months. The course is designed to introduce you to the Communications and Electronics Branch, and provide you with the technical knowledge necessary to manage communications information systems (CIS) and airfield systems in the Canadian Forces.

Basic CELE (AIR) Occupational Course – Module 2. This course, lasting approximately 11 weeks, is conducted at CFSCE Kingston. It is normally offered once a year, during the fall and winter. It builds on the theory taught in Module 1 and introduces you to more advanced military communications and electronics theory and its applications. You will also learn how to plan CIS support to deployed operations and how to deploy CIS equipment. The course also provides you with the business management skills required by all CELE (AIR) Officers. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be assigned to a leadership position at your first unit with in the Canadian Forces.

Working Environment Top

Your career as a CELE (AIR) Officer will be both demanding and rewarding. For the most part, working conditions at a base, Air Wing or headquarters during peacetime are similar to any comparable civilian occupation. However, you may be required to serve in isolated or semi-isolated units under adverse climatic and living conditions. You may also be employed on exercises or in deployed or combat situations and be subject to operational conditions involving stress and requiring sustained mental and physical effort.

Meeting operational deadlines, supervising large numbers of employees, and making critical decisions where errors have abnormally high consequences are the major source of stress in this occupation.

Appropriate training, environmental clothing and equipment are provided, and Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) Officers’ health, safety and morale are closely monitored.

Career Development Top

As you progress in your career, you will have the opportunity for advanced training and employment in a variety of positions in operations, personnel management, or in a technical field. You may also work in an international headquarters, on a multi-national staff or mission, or in an exchange or liaison capacity.

Advancement is based on merit. Personnel with a high level of performance who successfully complete professional development programmes and courses offered within or outside the Canadian Forces have excellent opportunities for advancement. Opportunities also exist for subsidized post-graduate education in a variety of communications and leadership-related disciplines.


  Publication Date: 2007-11-15 Top Important Notices