Canada - Keep Exploring


The historic streets of Old Strathcona are lined with street performers, vendors and show posters. A silly song about forlorn cows drifts over from the outdoor stage. You hum along and review your options carefully. Absurdist physical theatre. A hip-hop musical comedy. Surreal clowns of horror. They all sound like fun.

Undecided, you head for the concession stand, where you hope to catch the buzz on the must-see shows of the festival. As you take your first sip of draft, a human chain bursts through the entrance. Led by the cast and crew, the entire audience from the venue next door has linked arms and is sidestepping around the tent shouting some incomprehensible mantra. One of the actors hooks his arm through yours and pulls you into the dancing swirl of bodies. Laughing and tripping, you ask, "So, when's your next show?"

Let your hair down and join the fun in the Festival City of Edmonton. With a full schedule of events all year round, you'll never run out of reasons to celebrate.

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