Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Lend a hand! Become a tax volunteer


Since 1971, the Canada Revenue Agency has worked with community volunteer organizations to help people complete their income tax and benefit returns.

Many people don't know how to complete their income tax and benefit returns and are unable to pay for assistance. We need volunteers like you to provide this important community service to individuals who have low incomes and simple tax situations.

As a volunteer, we will ask you to respect the privacy of the client, decline any offers of monetary reward for your services, and return the completed income tax and benefit return and other personal documents to the client.

What do you get out of it?

Becoming a volunteer is easy and rewarding. As a volunteer, you will meet other people who, like you, want to lend a hand at tax time.

You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are providing a service to those who may need it the most.

The Canada Revenue Agency offers free volunteer tax training sessions to community organizations and individuals across the country and provides volunteers with a kit of handy reference material. With the volunteer training session and reference material, you will be ready to help others in your community. Remember, our employees are always available to help you if you have more questions.

How to get involved

Under the program, Canada Revenue Agency offers free training sessions to teach volunteers how to complete basic income tax and benefit returns.

The registration period to become a volunteer is from October to December. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for next year's program, complete the online registration.