Crisis across Europe & the Mediterranean

Help provide life-saving aid and protection to those who desperately need our help.

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Treacherous Crossings

Mediterranean crossings in 2015 already top 300,000, with record numbers still arriving.

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World Humanitarian Day

5 things you need to know about World Humanitarian Day.

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Fear of persecution and of a life with no future has forced millions to flee their homes.

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UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a lifeline for people displaced by violence, conflict and persecution—helping them survive, recover and build a better future.

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What We Do

35.6 Million individuals received life-saving support in 2013 from UNHCR.

Where We Work

UNHCR provides essential services to refugees in 125+ countries.


Who We Help

Men, women and children displaced by unthinkable crises around the world.

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